

Is there something called Accident Only Insurance?

Updated: 9/10/2019
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14y ago

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Yes, there is a such thing as Accident only Insurance coverage. Accidental only insurance coverage covers any accident that leads to injuries that result to loss of limps, eye sight or life.

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Q: Is there something called Accident Only Insurance?
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If you are under someones insurance and get a dwi does their insurance go up?

Only if you had an accident that their insurance had to pay for.

Will gap pay if you only had the insurance for a day?

You must buy all coverages before an accident. If their is an accident, you cannot buy coverages after an accident, and try to get the insurance to pay for it.

Can an insurance agency find out about a claim or accident even if there was no police involved or report on it when asked about your past accident history?

Yes, CLUE reports monitor anything paid by any insurance company regardless of a police report. Therefore, only if you reported the accident to the insurance company or they reported it. If you did not, and they did not, and there was no police report(for example you did some kind of direct negotiation or something) only then is there no way they are going to find out.

What exactly is accident only insurance coverage, and who is eligible for it?

Accident only insurance coverage is a type of insurance that those who are hospitalized for injuries and other disabiling work related causes. All are eligible except those who are eligible for Medicare.

Does union fidelity cover both accident insurance and life insurance or life insurance only?

yes it do cover life insurance not health insurance.

Where can one find low cost car insurance that not only covers the one whom fault in the accident it is but the other person who is not at fault?

The car insurance in which you are looking for is called 'no fault insurance'. It is regulated state by state and not all states require you to have such insurance, some states have only require one to have liability insurance.

Will insurance cover engine replacement?

Only if it was damaged as a result of a accident.

If you have an accident with your husband's vehicle which has only PLPD insurance can he make a claim against the full coverage on your vehicle?

No. If you had an accident with your husbands car and you were at fault with only PLPD insurance, the damages to your vehicle would not be covered.

What is the difference between comprehensive and liablility auto insurance?

While comprehensive insurance covers both you and the party with whom you were in an accident with, liability insurance only covers the other party. Thus, you will only be insured if you are in the comprehensive plan for your part of the accident costs.

If you are riding in a car and an adult is driving are you covered by insurance in case of an accident?

Only if the car you are riding in has insurance coverage.

If my name only as the owner is on a car but my daughter who has her own insurance on the car was in an accident could you be legally responsible?

No. Car insurance is insurance on the car not insurance on the driver.

What is an accident based insurance policy?

The term "accident insurance" applies to life and health insurance policy's that will only pay claims that result from an accident. Example: A person who owns an accident-only disability policy falls ill from cancer. The policy will not pay any claims as a result of the cancer. If the same person fell down a flight of stairs, the policy would pay.