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Saying you smell like you just took a bath in a million pieces of cotton candy is hyperbole.

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Q: Is this a hyperbole you smell like you just took a bath in a million pieces of cotton candy?
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Related questions

How much cotton candy is made a year?

9.29 million $'s worth. over 900 million pieces each year.

What is a hyperbole for Cotton Candy?

Hyperbole is the use of exaggeration as a figure of speech. It is used for emphasis, and is not intended to be taken literally. For example, "this bag weighs a ton!". How might we apply hyperbole to cotton candy? It depends what aspect of the cotton candy you wish to emphasise. Perhaps you are particularly impressed by it's lightness ("this cotton candy is lighter than a feather") or its sweetness ("the cotton candy was sweeter than an angel's kiss") or its flavour ("eating the cotton candy was like being gently punched in the teeth by chopped strawberries wrapped around a bag of tiny cut diamonds") or the quantity of the portion ("there was tons and tons of cotton candy!") or its price ("the cotton candy cost just a few cents a pop") or its location and context ("the cotton candy was perfect, just what I needed right then") or its general effect on you ("the cotton candy hit my lips like a pink explosion of strawberry-sugar floss-light stardrops and I nearly fainted with delight").

What was cotton candy called other than cotton candy?

candy floss

Can you use hard candy in a cotton candy maker?

for cotton candy u need powdered candy

How many individual candy corn pieces are sold each year?

35 million pounds

Does cotton candy have cotton in it?

no its just candy and food coloring

What is the drug cotton candy?

What pill is called cotton candy

How do you get cotton candy on clubpenguin?

to get the cotton candy you have to get a clubpenguin toy and you unlock to a type of clubpenguin treasure book and if you want the cotton candy you can get it

How tall is Candy Cotton?

Candi Cotton is 5' 6".

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Is it possible to make pepper into cotton candy?

No, not unless a manufacturer of Cotton Candy made a special batch of pepper cotton candy sugar for you.

Is cotton candy spicy?

no, cotton candy is not spicy! it is sweet and melts in your mouth!