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Please don't make up chemical formulae if you don't know how.

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How sugar is that energy used in your body be specific about the conversion that occurs?

chemical energy is good to our body

Explain why your body gets chemical energy and describe one way chemical energy is transformed by your body?

1. When you eat food you get chemical energy. 2. Food into energy by the way of digestion Good Luck:) xoxo

What chemical slows down your responses?

any chemical which slows down nerve transmission in your body. alcohol being a good example!

Is body heat a chemical or physical change?

Neither. Body heat is a result of chemical changes, but it's not itself a chemical change.

Retinor is the chemical name for what vitamin?

Retinon is the chemical name for vitamin A and it functions in the body is to promote good vision and to form and maintain healthy teeth, skeletal and soft tissue.

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Chemical bonds create energy in the body.

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No. It is chemical that will burn your throat and other body systems.

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Chemical reactions in the body take place in water.

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the study of matter and chemical reactions in the body is known as

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liver is not the correct answer for body's chemical factory.the correct answer is pancreas

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Muscles in your body convert chemical energy into fat and heat.

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Chemical reactions in the body take place in water.