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The site below does mention a burning or tingling sensation as one of the withdrawal symptoms. But I would still ask a doctor if I were you.

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Q: Is this electric surge through face tongue and head from anxiety or withdrawal from lexapro?
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Can Lexapro withdrawal cause irritability?

Oh, yeah, I am having it. I am even throwing things and having what I describe as an 'adult temper tantrum'. This is almost like the week before I start. I wish it would hurry up and go away - I am into week 4 of being lexapro-free.

Can you experience really bad withdrawal symptoms from Lexapro even if you were taking such a low dosage of 5 mg per day?

Everyone reacts differently to medications. Some people can experience withdrawl symptoms from stopping the SSRIs (anti-depressants such as Lexapro), while some have no symptoms at all. For those that have withdrawl symptoms, I always recommend tapering the medication by breaking it in half or taking it every other day then every three days, etc. Sometimes, this can take a really long time since some people experience pretty severe withdrawl symptoms. The main thing is to talk it over with your physician and set up a plan that will work the best for you. I am 21 year old college student who took Lexapro, 20mg, for 5 months. I was prescribed Lexapro to treat my anxiety and obsessive thoughts. As most college students, I became incredibly stressed with my major. The problem was, that I did not talk to anyone about it, I just let the anxiety and the negative thoughts take over. I definitely think I needed Lexapro to get me through the rough time! But, along with the medicine I also saw a therapist, who taught me techniques on how to reduce and manage my stress/anxiety. Counseling gave me the tools to work through the anxiety, the medicine reversed my emotions so I was able to make it through the day. As I stated previously, I started at 20mg --- all I did to taper off was take 10mg of Lexapro for a week, then I was done! I am on my third day of being completely off of the medication. I am experiencing occasional dizziness/light-headedness and sweating. But, I know that will only last a little bit longer. I am feeling great and staying positive :)

What is the withdrawal process of cocaine?

In theory, cocain is not physically addictive. But you will go through withdrawls if you were addicted to ANY substance. anxiety, restlessness, irratability, increase of appetite, loose stools(sometimes) etc.... They can be different for other. That is what I went though though.

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Do you pay an electric bill online through the electric company or through your bank account?

You can pay an electric bill online through the electric company or through your bank depending on the electric company and if they allow online payments through their website. You can also set up an online payment through your own bank account as well.

I smoke weed everyday but quit 2 days ago will I go through withdrawal?

Marijuana is not physically addictive, so, there are no physical withdrawal symptoms.

What kills you when you get an electric shock?

electric current through your nerves and/or muscles, especially through your heart

If one is having terrible Lexapro withdrawal can you go back on Lexapro and start the withdrawal process over?

I AM GOING THROUGH WHAT YOU EXPERIENCED. I DON'T KNOW WHEN YOU WROTE THIS. I AM 1 WEEK OF THE LEXAPRO AND GOING THROUGH PURE HELL. HOW LONG DID IT TAKE FOR IT TO GO AWAY ? PLEASE EMAIL ME AT GARY1RN@YAHOO.COMI'M AN RN.GARYThe question is not absolutely clear to me, but I will answer to the best of my understanding of said.If one is withdrawing from Lexapro,.. re-starting therapy , in most cases, will cease the withdrawal within a matter of days to (at most 1-2weeks).If you are adamant on discontinuing the drug ,.. but cannot tolerate the current withdrawal effects. Start back on the drug, stabilize yourself, and consult with your mental health professional about a sensible 'weaning' to lessen the withdrawal effects over time. Instead of going 'cold-turkey' -- try weaning off the drug over a matter of weeks, or months if deemed best. The eventual goal is to be the most comfortable while being non-dependent on the SSRI in the long run. If it takes a few months instead of a few days for this to occur -- Is that such a bad thing if you feel substantially better ?--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I would like to say this to you, if you have over-come the 1st Lexapro withdrawl, I wouldn't suggest getting back on it, and having to deal with the withdrawl process again once you or you & your doctor decide to take you off it!I am currently going through the withdrawl process, and I have been slowly tapering off for 4 weeks and I am now on my 1st week of being Lexapro free, there are yet still some withdrawls to over-come, but I have made it through the worst and I would NOT recommend anyone take this pill, sure it helped but geez, coming off the pill is worse than what I had to endure before taking it in the 1st place, its just not worth it to me! I have had weight gain on it, loss of sex drive altogether, etc and withdrawls were horrid, electrical zaps in my brain & hands (which I currently still have) vomitting, the shakes, hot flashes, cold flashes, nausea, dizzy when standing & walking, like a fuzzy brain feeling, blurred vision, deep tremors in my hands, etc etc At one point I was so sick I thought I was going to have to go to the ER just to beg them for some finagrin and something for the horrible migraine I had!!!

If someone has not eaten meat for 30 days and they suddenly begin vomiting could the body be going through meat withdrawal?

Meat is addictive and there are withdrawal symptoms. They will pass.

Can ibs be caused by anxiety?

This is a chicken and egg answer. Usually problems with the gut can cause anxiety in the first place through low serotonin production and bacterial imbalance. However external stressors can also produce anxiety/stress, which in turn makes the bacterial and serotonin situation worse, causing even more anxiety. By lowering stress and anxiety through meditation, chi gong, breath exercises, yoga or any other calming activity, healing will start to take place and feelings of anxiety will likely lessen. Also, healing the gut through nutrition or taking allergens/sensitivities and sugar out of the diet can also ease anxiety.

Side effects that you may exprience when you combine amitriptyline with lexapro?

Hi, About a month and a half ago, my doctor started me on lexapro 5mg in the morning for 6 days then up to 10mg a day. A few days after starting on the 5mg dose in the morning I started taking 15mg Serapax (Alepam) 1-3 tablets a day for anxiety. (The reason I started was because of I was majorly stressed about work issues and had major anxiety). Just after getting up to the 10mg Lexapro, I saw a psychiatrist as I was still really anxious. He told me to keep taking the 10mg of Lexapro in the morning and also the take amitriptyline 25mg 1 hour before bed (to help me sleep), then take 15mg of Alepam at time of going to sleep or whenever I had panic attacks throughout the day. The next morning I took 10mg of lexapro after starting the amitriptyline the night before. It was horrible! I felt so weird and spaced out. I thought I was loosing my mind. I was about to pack my bags to go to the nearest pysch ward! I called the psychiatrist and went and saw my doctor as I felt that strange, not right at all. I have been going through hell the last two weeks on this cocktail of drugs. I really think the combination of the lexapro and amitriptyline does not work. Please let me know how you are going as I feel so alone and scared right now. Amber

How can you go through heroin withdrawal without the use of Suboxone and methadone but maybe the use of Klonopin or Xanax?

Klonopin and Xanax are not opiates, so, they will do nothing to alleviate the symptoms of heroin withdrawal. Only another opiate can alleviate the symptoms of heroin withdrawal.