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No. It was proved to be a different strand of Swine Flu.

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Q: Is this the same Swine Flu as the last time?
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Are the flu and Swine Flu the same?

No, Swine Flu is just one strain of the many flu viruses. Flu is an abbreviation for influenza. So Swine Flu is a type of flu, but all flu is not the swine flu, there are other kinds.

Is the swine flu vaccine the same thing as the swine flu shot?

Yes, they are the same thing.

Is the Swine Flu the same as the tami flu?

Swine flu is a flu very similar to the regular flu. Tamiflu is a medicine that you take when you have swine flu or other types of influenza.

Can you catch the swine flu by being sexual with someone?

If they have the swine flu at the time, Yes.

Is this the first time we've had Swine Flu?

According to my researches, this is the 1st time the world got swine flu.

What is the average number of weeks of a typical flu outbreak Will the Swine Flu relate to that time?

the swine flu will end this summer

If you had almost every symptom of the Swine Flu and it ended in ten days did you have it?

The symptoms of swine flu are the same as other more common flu strains. There is no way of knowing if your flu was the swine flu without laboratory testing.

Is it safe for your child to get the H1N1 vaccine between his 1st and 2nd dose of the seasonal flu vaccine?

Yes, if they are getting both vaccines by injections. That timing of the two kinds of vaccinations (seasonal flu shot and swine flu shot) is not a problem, in fact they could be given at the same time. This is not true for the nasal mist vaccinations, however.You can NOT take a nasal flu mist for swine flu at the same time as you take a nasal flu mist for seasonal flu. They can render each other ineffective. Ask a health care professional how long you should wait between these two kinds of nasal mist vaccinations.You can take a nasal flu mist for swine flu with any other nasal flu mist vaccine EXCEPT the one for seasonal flu.The 2009 H1N1 flu shot (inactivated 2009 H1N1 vaccine) can be given at the same visit as any other vaccine, including pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine.You can take a swine flu nasal mist at the same time as a seasonal flu shot.You can take the H1N1/09 swine flu shot and a nasal mist for the seasonal flu at the same time.There would be no reason to take the swine flu shot at the same time as the swine flu nasal mist since both do the same thing, so that should not be done.

Where was Swine Flu last reported?

They don't record it anymore, now a flu is just a flu.

Is Swine Flu hereditary?

No, the Swine Flu is not hereditary. It is a virus. It is caught in the same manner as the "regular flu" that goes around every year.

How can Texans prevent Swine Flu?

Texans should use the same measures as anyone else to prevent swine flu infections. See the related question below for how to avoid swine flu.

How do you know if you have had Swine Flu?

Unless you were tested when you were ill, there is really no way to know for sure which type of flu you may have had. If you were not tested at the time, to be sure you have immunity to the swine flu, it is advised that you get a vaccination. It will not hurt you if you already had the same flu, and it can prevent another illness if the flu you had was a different strain. For best protection from the flu during the 2009-2010 flu season, get both a swine flu vaccination and a seasonal flu vaccination.