

Best Answer

False. Cells in multicellular organisms have a great dfference in their specilizations. Compare a neuron with a skin cell.

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Q: Is this true or false multicellular organism all the cells have the same shape and job?
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Give an example of changes that occur during the life cycle of a multicellular organism?

Multicellular organisms, however, typically go through a process called development. During development, a single fertilized egg cell divides again and again to produce the many cells of mature organisms. As those cells divide, they change in shape and structure to form cells such as liver cells, brain cells, and muscle cells. This process is called differentiation, because it forms cells that look different from one another and perform different functions.

Do the cells in many-celled organism often have different sizes and shapes?

Yes, cells in many-celled organisms can differ in size and shape depending on their function. For example, neurons have a different shape than muscle cells to serve their specific purposes in the body. This diversity in cell sizes and shapes allows for specialized functions within an organism.

What makes an animal cell round?

A plant cell has a cell wall which helps it keep its shape. An animal cell doesn't have a cell wall! So that circular shape represents a "blob" or something, it can take a shape because the lack of cell wall!

Group of cells that has a specific job?

describe cells that have changed their shape to do a special job

Why do cells in many-celled organisms different?

Cells in many-celled organisms differentiate to perform specialized functions, leading to the formation of distinct cell types within an organism. This specialization allows for efficiency in carrying out specific tasks required for the survival and function of the organism as a whole. Differentiation is governed by the regulation of gene expression, which determines the unique characteristics and functions of each cell type.

Related questions

Are all cell the same in a multicellular organism?

Almost all cells in a multicellular organism are genetically the same - i.e. they have identical DNA. However, through a process called "differentiation", cells diverge in size, shape, and function by having different sets of genes turned off or on.

What is the difference between paramecium and elodea cells?

Elodea Is a multicellular celled organism, paramecium is a single organism Another thing is that Elodea (being multicellular) can not survive on its own while on the other hand paramecium can

How are cells in multi-celled organism similar and different in cell in a single cell organism?

Cells in multi-celled organisms are similar to single-celled organisms in that they both contain cellular structures such as mitochondria and a nucleus. However, cells in multi-celled organisms are specialized to perform specific functions and work together in a coordinated manner, while single-celled organisms are capable of carrying out all necessary functions independently. Additionally, multi-celled organisms have cell-to-cell communication systems that help coordinate activities among different types of cells.

Give an example of changes that occur during the life cycle of a multicellular organism?

Multicellular organisms, however, typically go through a process called development. During development, a single fertilized egg cell divides again and again to produce the many cells of mature organisms. As those cells divide, they change in shape and structure to form cells such as liver cells, brain cells, and muscle cells. This process is called differentiation, because it forms cells that look different from one another and perform different functions.

How are unicellular and multicellular alike and different?

They both have the basic unit of life, the cell. Bacteria and amoeba are examples. They are different because multicellular organisms are bigger because of the number of cells they have. They also have cells that are similar in size and shape that work together as tissues and tissues that form organs and organ systems.

What do cells have to do with living thing?

Cells are living things in and of themselves. There are single celled organism that science defines as alive as you are. You are made up of billions of cells that all have the same DNA (genetic information that is the key to making everything that you are) as each other. Humans, along with all other multicellular organisms, start as one living cell. This is the entirety of what the organism is at this point. As that cell divides and replicates itself the organism begins to take shape and eventually matures into its fully formed state. Cells continue to die and replicate in this stage. If the science behind DNA and how different genes can be turned on and off were better understood it is theoretically possible to grow an identical body from a single human cell. The first cell of any organism is the organism and is alive. If that cell were not alive or the organism itself the organism could never and would never exist.

What is the similarity between a multicellular and unicellular organism?

Unicellular organisms and multicellular organisms both contain the characteristics of life. Furthermore, both unicellular organisms and multicellular organisms follow the same genetic code and even contain the same organelles.

Why do bacteria maintain only one shape?

I'm going to give the nonscientific answer, a bacteria can only maintain one shape because it don't have enough cells to mold into another shape there for it is not multicellular (or it is I think it depends on if its arche or EU bacteria).

How are unicellular organisms and multicellular organisms alike and different?

They both have the basic unit of life, the cell. Bacteria and amoeba are examples. They are different because multicellular organisms are bigger because of the number of cells they have. They also have cells that are similar in size and shape that work together as tissues and tissues that form organs and organ systems.

True or false the shape of the proteins allows the virus's coat to attach to only certain cells in the host?


Group of cells that has a specific job?

describe cells that have changed their shape to do a special job

What makes an animal cell round?

A plant cell has a cell wall which helps it keep its shape. An animal cell doesn't have a cell wall! So that circular shape represents a "blob" or something, it can take a shape because the lack of cell wall!