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Q: Is too much magnesium bad for grass?
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Why is too much fertlizer bad?

Too much is bad because fertilizer contains phosphate which will burn the grass and cause it to die if too much is applied

Side affects of too much magnesium citrate?

Magnesium citrate pulls water into the bowls. Too much magnesium citrate = many visits to the bathroom.

Can magnesium kill you?

Yes, someone could make it into a spear and shove it into your heart. A small amount of magnesium is necessary in the diet. As with everything, too much of it is bad and can cause health problems.

Is magnesium a SAFE VITAMIN?

Magnesium is a mineral, not a vitamin. It is essential to good health, but like everything else, too much is bad. It's the Goldilocks Principle; too much, too little, and "just right". The "just right" amount for magnesium is about 400 milligrams per day depending on age and weight, somewhat less for children. Magnesium is found in most green leafy vegetables and nuts.

Can too much magnesium change the color of your stools?

can magnesium cause pale stools

Is too much sushi bad?

Too much of anything can be bad.

How does too much lawn fertilizer affect your lawn?

Too much can burn your grass.

Is too much laughter bad for you?

Apparently too much laughter is bad for you.

Why is magnesium sulfate used in drinking water?

Magnesium sulfate is usually just in the ground water to begin with. Too much magnesium sulfate can have dehydration and laxative effects. Several filtration methods can remove magnesium sulfate and other dissolved substances from ground water. That's not to say it being in the water is a bad thing, magnesium is a needed mineral and drinking water that has been filtered can lead to a magnesium deficiency.

What happens when there is too much grass?

Neglecting to mow the lawn for too long will result in there being too much grass. An overgrown lawn is much harder to mow than a lawn that is regularly cut. A farmer may allow the grass in a field to grow tall until the field is mown to provide silage or hay for winter feed.On the African savana, in the dry season, there is never too much grass, forcing herbivore to migrate to follow the rains. Personally, I don't believe there is never too much grass.

Does eating too much magnesium cause liver damage?

It causes death