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Q: Does too much magnesium cause a bad taste in the mouth?
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What would be the cause of a constant metallic taste in mouth and the roof of mouth hurting but there aren't any sores?

eating too much salty stuffs i no from experience either that or an infectios desies that will start in the mouth and end up in either the liver or the brain

Does eating too much magnesium cause liver damage?

It causes death

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cause he wants to taste you and if he bites you ... you taste good

What factors affect taste?

much like seimen after a cell that contains flavour it spreads and stays there is no actual "after taste" the flavour just changes and stays in ur mouth

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Acute toxicity due to ingestion of too much supplement, for example, may cause nausea, vomiting , abdominal pain, diarrhea, dizziness, headache , and a metallic taste in the mouth.

Can low white blood cells cause sores in the mouth?

Low white blood cells do not cause sores in the mouth. However it makes them much easier to get.

Does too much magnesium cause loose bowels?

Magnesium is great for moving the bowels, that is the only thing that works for me, i tried everything. you have to regulate yourself, to find out the right dosage for you.

Can magnesium cause insomnia?

Yeah, insomnia can definitely be one of the signs of magnesium deficiency. Magnesium is needed to relax muscles and calm down the nervous system so if you don't have much, it will cause a lot of problems in getting good sleep. I only know this cause I used to have tons of trouble sleeping and then found out I was potentially low in magnesium and told there could be a connection. So I got some really good magnesium supplement. The form and quality really does matter (meaning you get what you pay for).

Can magnesium kill you?

Yes, someone could make it into a spear and shove it into your heart. A small amount of magnesium is necessary in the diet. As with everything, too much of it is bad and can cause health problems.

If to much baking soda is added to a recipe will it make it taste bad? can cause a bitter taste in food especially when you put more

Why sugar is more taster then starch?

The taste buds on your tongue are very sensitive to the taste of sugar, and not sensitive to starch. So sugar has a much stronger taste. Interestingly if you hold starch in your mouth for a while, enzymes in your saliva break the starch into sugars and it begins to taste sweet.