

Is torch both source of light and heat?

Updated: 9/21/2023
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Q: Is torch both source of light and heat?
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What is the source of darkness and cold since the sun is the source of heat and light?

We're modestly familiar with the source of heat and light. And we know that heat and light both exist and are real. Cold and darkness do not exist. They merely describe the lack of heat and light, respectively.

What form of energy is stored in a torch?

light and heat

What is the primary source of light and heat?

sun is the primary source of heat and light......

Why will earth become cold if there will be no sun why?

Because the sun is our source of both heat and light. Without it, we could not survive and we would have no heat source left.

What is the source of heat and light for all the plants?

The sun is the source of heat and light for plant-life.

Are atmospheric conditions such as temperature moisture light and wind influenced by the sun?

They all are. The sun is the source of both light & heat.

Can you use a hand torch to melt cheese?

Any heat source can melt cheese.

What is the job of the cells and wires and bulb and switch in a torch?

The job of a bulb is to give off heat and light energy

What is the main source of heat and light ENERGY?

The main source of light is the sun

How does a bulb glow when a torch is switched on?

If your torch has an incandescent bulb in it, the resistance of the wire in the bulb generates enough heat that light is created. If your torch has an LED bulb, the PN junction in the diode creates light when the diode is forward-biased.

What is the source of your heat and light?

the sun?