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Yes, certainly! Cows (and calves) are highly food-orientated, and can be trained by using tasty treats to get them to learn to lead or train them for show. However, there can be a limit to doing this. You shouldn't rely solely on treats to train a calf, they should also learn that the way you speak to them (like "good boy!" or "good girl!") or touch them (i.e., scratching them in their favorite spot) can/should also be taken as a reward.

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Q: Is training a calf for showing with treats a good idea?
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What kind of treats can you give your calves?

Other than moms milk, good hay and green grass your calves do not need much. If you are raising them for show you can treat them with apple slices, or a small amount of sweet calf chow, less than a handful when you are training them to stand and walk the ring.

What are some methods of dog training?

There are many different methods of dog training. One includes giving treats when good behaviors are done. Another is using verbal commands.

Treats or toy to give my pitt bull.?

Good dog treats: Milkbones, Kong treats. Or for training treats, mozzarella cheese sticks or cut up dog sausages or hot dog. Good dog toys: Kongs, rope toys, frisbees

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Easy get the training stuff from the store and then get the treats so you can treat your dog when it is good

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The way he treats you like if he treats you with respect or not.

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Cut the gordian knot: rewrite the sentence: The good doctor treats patients with compassion or treats patients compassionately.

What were dog treats invented for?

Dog treats wher invented for rewarding your dog when he/she does good.

How does flesh of a calf change as it gets older?

Muscle fibers in a calf grow in size and lengthen as the bones grow and develop. What a calf eats also determines the fleshing ability of a calf; a calf that is fed good quality milk and good forage is one that is more fatter, or has internal fat in with the muscle tissue as well as some external adipose tissue. Such a calf also tends to grow bigger than one that has been fed low quality forage and hasn't had much or very good quality milk. Such a calf tends to be thinner, leaner, and more ranky than a "soggy" calf.

What are some good potty training tips for puppies?

Take him on walks and give him treats every time he goes potty. Also punish him if he potty's inside. Keep doing this and progress will show.

Should You Be Physical When Training a Dog?

No. Dogs are smart. You need to learn to "speak" dog. The dog wants to please you, but he needs to understand what you want. Be firm. Be the alpha. But don't hit the dog. otherwise he won't respect you. Go to the library and get a training book if you need to. And there's nothing wrong with using treats to reward good behavior. Just make the treats microscopic in size or you'll have a fat dog.

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What makes dog happy?

Being kind and showing affection/love. Playing with him/her, feeding him/her regularely, take him/her outside for a walk, and praise and treats when they're showing good behavior. Dogs are really like human toddlers, but they never outgrow that stage.