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Most of today's Rabbinic authorities include the turkey among the kosher birds.

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Q: Is turkey considered a clean meat for Jews to eat?
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Is turkey sausages considered processed meat?

Turkey sausages is indeed considered processed meat. This is technically because turkey sausages are actually meat that is processed in factories.

Is a turkey wing white or dark meat?

Typically the turkey wing and breast are considered white meat while the leg and thigh are considered dark meat.

Why are cows Jewish?

They aren't. Their meat, however, is considered Kosher by the Jews.

What meat do you get from turkey?

Turkey based meat is meat that is not fully turkey but contains turkey. This meat likely contains more turkey than other meats.

Is turkey bacon red meat?

no, it is a white meat. the terms white and red meat refer to the color it turns when it is cooked, not the color it is raw.

Can vegetarians eat turkey burgers?

No, vegetarians do not eat any kind of meat.

Do Americans prefer the white meat turkey or dark meat of the turkey?

White meat

What food has tryptophan in it besides meat?

not much, and not just meat. usually only turkey meat has tryptophan in it. tryptophan causes humans to become slow and lethargic until the liver can clean it out of the system.

What food cant jews eat and why?

Mixing meat and dairy, and shellfish and pork are NOT considered healthy.

What's the reason why Jews don't eat meat?

Jewish people do eat meat, although the meat of some animals is considered unfit for consumption in accordance with the Torah.

Can you freeze a turkey with the feathers still on it and clean it later?

No, you can't. The feathers still have germs on then and if you freeze it, the germs on the feathers will leak into the turkey's meat. Once that happens, you can't change it.

What is ground turkey?

Ground turkey is boned turkey meat that has been put through a meat grinder.