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Q: Is uncooked cabbage I left in the car overnight good to eat?
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Can raw stuffed cabbage be refrigerated overnight?

Generally, yes. You should be fine with it.

Can uncooked bone in spare ribs be left out at room temperature over night and still be edible?

An uncooked bone will still have some remnants of the meat on it. So when the bone is left out overnight, the meat willÊ spoil and be unfit to be used.

What do you do if ive eaten cooked cabbage left out over nighr?

If you've eaten cooked cabbage that was unrefrigerated overnight, watch for signs of illness and see your doctor or go to the emergency room if you feel ill.

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Yes you should throw them out.

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Are cookies any good if they are left out overnight?

no grms cauz canser get on them

Is imitation crab meat still good if it is left out overnight?

yes and no!! ;)

Will pork tamales still be good if left out overnight?

No. They should be discarded.

Can you eat rice pudding left out overnight?

Yes - but it is not a good idea

Why does my 1997 Chevy Tahoe battrey go dead overnight when nothing left on?

There is a good chance that your battery has a dead cell. It will act like a good battery of you start it every so often, but if left overnight, it dies.

Is it safe to eat cooked cabbage that's been left in the water it was cooked in for several hours?

Yes, That cabbage is very good if you have corned beef and potatoes w/ it!

Is it safe to leave cornbread out overnight?

If you are talking about uncooked ears of corn that were left out of the refrigerator overnight, some of the sugars have probably changed to starches so it won't be so sweet. But it should be OK to cook up and eat. If you are talking about cooked corn that someone forgot to put away, the answer is "No. You should not eat cooked corn left out overnight."