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Q: Is urine more or less concentrated in the older adult?
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Is pale urine normal?

The clearer your urine is, the less concentrated it is. If it is clear, it is almost all water, if it is pale there is less water.

Why is the first urine of the day most concentrated?

The color of urine is determined on how concentrated the urine is. It's from all of the toxins being excreted. In the morning it's a fasting urine and you haven't drank fluids all night. So it's concentrated and dark yellow. During the day, you drink and dilute the urine so there more water in the urine, less concentrated and lighter in color

Does ADH favor the formation of dilute or concentrated urine?

ADH causes an increase in water reabsorption in the kidneys. Thus, by absorbing more water, the urine becomes MORE concentrated (more compounds in less water = more concentrated)

How are desert rats able to concentrate their urine more than humans?

The urine of desert rats is more concentrated than humans, and of most animals, because of where they are. They live in the desert, where water can be scarce. The less water a person or animal drinks, the more concentrated their urine will be.

Your urine has gone from a pale yellow to a darker shade of yellow what does this mean?

If you have a pale yellow urine to a darker shade means that you are well hydrated to less hydrated when urine becomes concentrated.

Why is there more concentrated urine in summer?

As studied , there is less amount of concentrated urine is produced in human beings during summer as most of the waste products are sent out of the body by sweat and we also drink a lot of water during summer which makes the urine dilute.

Is ADH a steroid or non steroid?

It is a steroid. It is an antidiuretic hormone increases the permeability of the distal convoluted tubule and collecting duct of the kidney nephron resulting in less water in the urine. The urine becomes more concentrated as water is conserved.

What is a term used for a less concentrated solution?

A DILUTE solution is the usual terminology for a less concentrated solution.

Why a person who has had a kidney stone should drink large amounts of water to prevent another kidney stone forming?

There are higher chances of getting small crystal precipitated out of concentrated urine. You drink that extra water and urine will have less solutes per unit volume. because you will get more quantity of the diluted urine. So chances of kidney stone formation will be less.

In the absence of ADH what type of urine is formed?

ADH stands for anti-diuretic hormone, suggesting that it's a hormone that stops diuresis (urination). Therefore, in the absence of a hormone that stops urination, less concentrated urine is formed at a greater amount.How much urine can you loose in one day (Quantity in cc's)?

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