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The Islamic kingdom of Spain fell on February 14, 1492, which is why Valentine\'s day is observed as a day of mourning in many Islamic circles.

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Q: Is valentines day is remembered for the fall of Islamic kingdom in 14th Feb 1492?
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Is Valentine's Day remembered for the fall of the Islamic kingdom on 14th Feb 1492?

In Islam, VALENTINE is simply the name of a clergyman. Full name Pedro St. Valentino. On February 14th Mr. Valentine , a priest who worked in Rome during the rule of Emperor Claudius II, died in order to preserve the sanctity of love and marriage. To many he is a hero and a saint, although in Islam, February 14 1492 is the day of the fall of the Islamic Kingdom of Spain, so it is not celebrated. Many Muslims even find Valentine's day a sacrilegious day celebrated by non-believers of Islam.

How and why did Islamic rule come to an end in Spain?

The last Moorish kingdom in Spain was defeated by the combined kingdoms of Castile, Leon and Aragon in 1492. The inhabitants simply wanted to return to a Christian community.

Is Valentine27s Day remembered for the fall of the Islamic kingdom on 14th Feb 1492?

I have been researching this for quite some time now and have yet to come to a decisive conclusion. Here's what I found From 711-1492, Al-Andalus, now occupying parts of what is today Spain and Portugal, and small parts of modern France, was governed by Muslims. Medieval Spain and Portugal was the scene of almost constant warfare between Muslims and Christians. The Spanish Inquisition was a tribunal established in 1480 by Catholic Monarchs. It was intended to maintain Catholic orthodoxy in their kingdom. The Kingdom of Spain was created in 1492 . The Inquisition was originally intended in large part to ensure the orthodoxy of those who converted from Islam and Judaism. This regulation of the faith of the newly converted was intensified after the royal decrees issued in 1492 and 1501 ordering Muslims and Jews to convert or leave. The last Muslim stronghold, Nasrid Granada fell around 1492. Many found life intolerable under Christian rule and passed over into North Africa. However, I did not find any literature regarding the head churchman Pedro St. Valentino and/or his announcement of 14th Feb being the day of love to mark the end of the Islamic kingdom. As of such, there is no literature to prove this.

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