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wall pressure simply means an elastic stage of water absoved the cell i.e a state of no more water can be absorb by the cell, so that at this level cell is said to be turgid.

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6mo ago

No, wall pressure and turgor pressure are not opposite to each other. Wall pressure refers to the force exerted by the cell wall of a plant cell against the protoplast, while turgor pressure is the force exerted by the vacuole against the cell wall. They both work in conjunction to maintain cell shape and provide support to the plant cell.

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Q: Is wall pressure opposite to turgor pressure?
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Which pressur is opposite to turgor pressure?

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Osmotic pressure across the cell wall, here called Turgor Pressure.

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This is called turgor pressure.

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Turgor pressure is the pressure exerted by water on the cell wall. This is what helps plants stand upright, even though they have no skeleton.

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A plant cell has a cell wall that pushes back against water pressure in the cell when the cell is in it's preferred condition of hypotonicity. This is turgor pressure.

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The difference of turgor pressure and diffusion is that turgor pressure is an osmotic pressure exerted by the contents of a plant cell against its cell wall; while diffusion is a movement of molecules from an area higher concentration to an area lower concentration.

What large structre in a plant cell helps it main tain turgor pressure?

The cell wall. The interior pressure of water maintains turgor and keeps the plant erect.

When do plants exhibit turgor pressure?

When the vacuole of plant cells absorb too much water, it swells so big, that it squashes the cytoplasm, and begins to exert pressure on the cell wall. This pressure is known as turgor pressure.

Turgor pressure is caused by water filling what two things?

Turgor pressure is caused by water filling the plasma membrane and cell wall of plants, bacteria and some fungi. It pushes the plasma membrane against the cell wall to create the pressure.

What is pressure produced by water pushing outward against the cell wall of plant cells?

Turgor pressure

A plant with high is healthy and rigid?

A plant with high turgor pressure is healthy and rigid. When turgor pressure is high, it pushes the plasma membrane into the cell wall. This causes the plant to be turgid.