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Of course..xanax is a drug widely abused buy addicts and can turn ppl with anxiety into drug addicts. Marijuana is much much less harmful than cigarettes and alcohol

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Q: Is xanax more dangerous than marijuana?
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How much Xanax is life threatening?

Anything more than the amount you are prescribed is dangerous.

Is marijuana a schedule 2 drug?

Marijuana is a schedule 1 drug. It is scheduled to be more dangerous than meth.

Is it safe to mix Ritalin and marijuana?

Of course! Marijuana is completely natural and can be used with any drugs with no side effects other than a high of course.

Is marijuana safer than alcoholic drinks?

They are both harmful.So clearly,the answer is : NO.

How dangerous is marijuana to a hep b patient?

its not dangerous at all. cancer patients use it so why would it affect an STD more than a cancer patirent

Is withdrawals dangerous for unborn baby?

yes withdraw symptoms are dangerous to your baby, some withdraws are more dangerous than others, like xanax, you can take siezures from withdraws. it is all bad but i guess some are worst than others, according what you are withdrawing from?

xanax for sale?

XANAX can cause actual reliance and withdrawal responses.

Is it harmful to take codeine with Xanax?

It's more dangerous than harmful! Just keep your dose low until you can figure out how much you can handle !

Is Xanax the same as ativen?

Only in the sense that it is a Benzodiazepine,It is longer lasting and a lot more debilitating than Xanax. In my opinion it is more like Clobberpin (Klonazapam) than Xanax, So my answer would be no!

Is hash a harder drug than marijuana and what are the side affects?

Hash and marijuana is the same plant. Hash is basically the trichomes of the marijuana buds, while marijuana (or weed/pot) is the bud itself. The side effects are the same as by consuming marijuana. Hash is often mixed and smoked with tobacco, so if you consider tobacco more dangerous than marijuana then technically you could say it's a "harder" drug.

What society doing to stop marijuana from being made sold or brought into the country?

Officials really aren't doing that much because of more important drugs to be blocking off such as Heroine, Crack, and Meth-which are all more dangerous than marijuana.