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Perhaps she WAS on the rebound and got too deeply involved with the new guy too fast, but that's a moot point, now. The new guy isn't new anymore. Some rebound relationships last, sometimes for keeps. This might be one of them. If you're still carrying a torch for your ex, let her know how you feel and see how she reacts. She may not be all that happy with her current relationship and just biding her time. Who knows? Perhaps she regrets your breakup and would be willing, even eager, to get back with you. We're not fortune tellers, and the Magic Eight Ball is an unreliable source of answers. If she blows you off, I'm sorry, but time heals all wounds. But if you don't ask her, you'll never know and be nagged by I-wish-I-wouldas.

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Q: Is your ex in a rebound relationship after finding a new boyfriend two weeks after a fiery breakup if she is still with him eight months later?
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It could possibly be a rebound relationship if your break-up with him really upset him. However, if he was not that upset about your break-up with him, then this is just a natural attraction. Who knows, maybe he was seeing this person before you two broke-up.

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Recently out of a relationship & on the rebound.

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I think that you shouldnt worry about when your marrige was. Four months is waaay long enough until you start a new relation ship!

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A rebound boyfriend is where a girl and a guy break up and the girl gose out and gets anothe rboyfriend that she dnt really like, and she acts like it be she dont mean anything that she dose so there for hes a rebound... ]

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I don't know if a year gone by can be considered a rebound, but it may have more to do with your feelings after the breakup. Rebound relationships are usually defined as dating someone while still bouncing back from losing another person. But you left your ex-husband, so chances are, a year later, you're not on the rebound anymore. But, of course, only you would know whether you were or not.

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a rebound in a relationship is when u have someone to go out with rite after u det dumped or break up with the person ur with

Can a rebound relationship also be defined as one entered into by the person who ended the prior relationship or does the term just apply to the person who was rejected?

A rebound relationship can be either person.

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no his relationship wont last!

Are you a rebound?

if you feel that a person is with you because they came out of a relationship, and know that you'll say "yes", then you're a rebound

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ask her Time will tell whether it is a rebound. Do the best you can to keep the relationship positive without spending time discussing the past boyfriend. Be sure to include different activities and friends as you slowly build your relationship.

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If he is dating you right after a recent breakup then chances are he is not totally over the previous relationship and you could be a rebound. Give him some time and space as well as allow time for you, don't rush things or pressure him - relax and let things evolve if they are to on their own.

How long after a break up is a new relationship considered a rebound relationship?

IT ALL DEPENDS ON WHAT TYPE OF PERSON YOU ARE. SOMEONE WHO HAS BEEN IN A LONG TERM RELATIONSHIP WITH SOMEBODY AND HAD A BAD BREAKUP MIGHT NOT KNOW WHAT IT IS LIKE TO BE ALONE AND THEY TEND TO SEARCH FOR SOMEONE TO FILL IN THAT SPOT TO MAKE THEM FEEL SAFE. ME PERSONALLY IF I HAD BEEN IN A LONGTERM RELATIONSHIP I WOULD NOT WANT TO BE IN ANOTHER FOR SOMETIME. IT ALL DEPENDS ON YOU AND WHAT AND WHO MAKES YOU HAPPY DONT WORRY ABOUT WHAT OTHER PEOPLE MIGHT THINK. a day, a week, a month you should at least take three months to a year to yourself That depends. If you're just seeking someone to be with, more of a replacement for a previous relationship, it's probably rebound. If it's an attempt to get past the breakup blues, it's definitely rebound. If you've managed to get past the breakup blues, looked around for a while and found someone you actually want to be with, it's probably not rebound. There isn't some magic number like 17 days after breakup, or 3 months or 5 boyfriends. It's all about where YOU are inside your head.