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Q: Is your first hole the same size as your seconed hole in your ear?
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What is smaller black hole or white dwarf planet?

Depends!!!A white dwarf created from a star the same size as our Sun will only be the size of our Earth.A supermassive black hole can have a diameter of 150 million kilometers (Same distance from the Earth to the Sun).However a stellar black hole can only be 30 kilometers in diameter.There is no minimum size for a black hole, so one "could" be as small as 0.1mm

How pregnancy effects on vaginal size?

during the birth of a new baby the vaginal hole opens to the size big enough so the babies head can come out easily. the max size the hole can open up to is 10cm so after your first child your hole will have stretched. it is always the first child that hurts to most because the hole has to open but after that it shan't hurt as much. (hope this helped )

What size bolt goes in the motor mount that bolts the bracket to it?

it is the same size of the bolt same as the hole and thread. the higher the grade of the bolt the more touque you can apply.

Will a 1986 Chevy dually rim fit on a 1995 Chevy dually?

As long as they both have the same hole count ( 8 hole on most ) and size.

Is the last notch on a bra the same as the first on the next size up?

Yes it is the same size.

Which is about the size of a city giant black hole white dwarf neutrons star?

Neutrons star is the same size of a city. This is 10 km radius.

Can a black hole as small as your finger suck up the earth?

First of all, every black hole has the same size ... its length, width, height, radius, depth, diameter, area, and volume are all zero. What varies from one black hole to another is their mass. Next, black holes don't reach out and grab things that happen to be passing by. Outside of the hole's "event horizon" it has the same influence as any other object with the same mass. Other bodies that pass a black hole at a distance at which they're moving slower than escape velocity will settle into orbit around the hole.

What drill bit you use for a 0.875 hole?

You use a 0.875 bit or a 7/8 bit . They are the same size.

What size hole for a bird house?

What size hole do you need for a birdhouse?The size hole doesn't need to be too large. Birds are very good at squeezing into those holes. You could just make one the size of your fingers when they make a hole/circle.

What will happen if a black hole encounters another black hole the same size?

They will literally rip each other apart until the stronger one sucks the weaker one in.

In golf what is the diamater of the hole?

Four and a quarter inches. This size was decided on as the first hole cutter that was invented cut holes with a diameter of 4.25 inches. Then when they decided on the standardized rules for golf at st Andrews in 1891, they went with this size.

What 6 hole rims are interchangeable?

I've never seen any that aren't the same. One size fits all.