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Both ideas have truth in them. Our Sun and its planets Earth included make up one Solar System, there are many of these in our galaxy. All of these solar systems have a sun and planets spinning around them. While this is going on the galaxy is hurtling through space along with other galaxies, each of them having solar systems with a sun and planets and their moons. Got a head-ache yet?.

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Q: Is your galaxy travelling threw space or are you just spinning around the sun?
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Is there a galaxy in space?

No. There is not ONE galaxy, but billions of galaxies in space.

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The Andromeda Galaxy is 12,904,531,200,000,000,000 miles away and the space shuttle orbits at 18,000 mph so to travel to the Andromeda Galaxy in the space shuttle would take 81.8 billion years which is around 18 times the currrent age of the universe!!!

Does a star travel in space?

Yes, they move around in the galaxy in a similar way like the earth is moving around the sun.

Why does everything inside of a galaxy remain in place instead of flying off into space?

Well, to tell the truth, everything inside a galaxy is actually flying off in space. Everything that is anything is flying off in space. Space is the thing that everything is in. What does tend to keep things together is gravity. So as things inside a galaxy are flying around in space, gravity keeps them from flying off in their own direction.

What happens to spinning tops or bouncing balls in space?

A spinning top will continue to spin in space. A floating ball will continue to float in space because there is not gravity.

Is there a space laboratory in the galaxy today?

Any space laboratory is inside our Galaxy. Humans are not yet able to travel beyond our galaxy.