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Yes, he did invent calculus and the reflecting telescope. Those two things alone were enough to make him famous, although he invented many other things, such as a mouse powered mill and an accurate wooden clock.

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Q: Isaac newtons invention of calculuc and reflecting telescope?
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What was isaac newtons first invention?

Newton's first major public scientific achievement was the invention, design and construction of a reflecting telescope.

How did Newtons's invention of the reflecting telescope affect the field of astronomy?

it allowed astronomers to see clearer images without distorted or lost colors.

What telescope did Isaac Newton invent?

Optics is the study of the behavior of properties of light, and there were quite a few philosophers that inspired Newton such as Robert Boyle, Rene Descartes, Sir Frances Bacon, and especially Galileo Galilee. This should help..

What were Isaac Newton's inventions?

He invented infinitesimal calculus, reflecting telescope and explained gravity. He also invented the newtons. They are the measurement of some forces.

What did the hubble telescope discover?

Newtons law

What were Isaac Newtons goals in life?

Isaac solved the problem of people not seeing the stars as close. He invented the reflecting telescope.

How did Issac Newtons first reflecting telescope change the world?

He was the first person who invented Reflecting telescope , so now a days other scientists use those telescope to find out other planets and they are trying to look for a planet which is suitable for human being to live in because the earth is overcrowded now. If they can find out another planet which is suitable for humans to live in they will send half of the pupil from the earth to that planet so that we can stop over population.

What is the Newtons invention on a white light reflecting into vibgyor colours by crystal?

as newton said that all the colors appear on the white color wen the day light is there than as crystal is in white color multiple colors form

What is sir isaac newtons invention?

The Newton Meter

What were isaac newtons top 5 inventions?

1. Newtonian cat doors- Isaan Newton invented this item when cats kept sratching on his door. He cut a hole in the door so the cats could go through. 2. Newtonian Reflecting telescope- This type of telescope was made in 1668, and it had a mirror inside that would reflect the image to a focus point.

Whats a current invention having to do with Newtons laws?

Hovercraft - they defy gravity.

Some of Isaac Newton invents?

Some of isaac newtons inventions is a telescope to study the stars and moon.