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While Charles Darwin was in Galapagos, he visited the islands of Floreana, Isabela, San Cristóbal, and Santiago only.

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Q: Island where Darwin observed variation in tortoises?
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What was Darwin's studied on galapagos island?


How did Darwin explain differences in shell shape of tortoises hood island and isabela island?

Adaption to the environment is how Darwin explained the differences in shell shape. Hood Island tortoises needed to reach up with their necks further for food than the Isabela Island tortoises.

How did Darwin explain differences in shell of tortoises from hood island and isabela island?

he didnt lol

How did Darwin explain differences in shell shape of tortoises from Hood Island and Isabela Island?

he didnt lol

How did Darwin explain differences in shell shapes of tortoises from Hood Island and Isabela Island?

he didnt lol

What was Name of the island where Darwin observed finches?

The Galapagos Islands

What did Charles Darwin conclude based on the giant tortoises observed in the Galapagos Islands?

Darwin learned that there were different shaped backs of the tortoises, some had arc shaped or straight. The other thing the tortoises had is long or short necks. There were varieties of island and on every island there were different tortoises.

Who observed variations in characteristics of animals and plants on the island of galapagos?

charles darwin

What did Darwin study on the Galapagos's islands?

Certain species, and how they differed from one island to another; in this case, specifically, finches and tortoises.

What did Darwin observed about finches in the Galapagos island?

Their beaks were adapted to match the foods they ate.

What adaptation did Darwin see in the tortoises of the galapagos islands?

He saw that each tortoise inhabited a different island. The townspeople could tell which island a tortoise came from by the shape of its shell.

What did Charles Darwin observe in finches and tortoises in the Galapagos what theory is this?

In the finches, Charles Darwin observed the different beak shapes according to where they lived in the Galapagos. He later linked their beak shapes to the food they ate. Their beaks were shaped to make it more convenient to get their food. In tortoises, he observed the shapes of their shells. The shell shapes got either progressively curvier or progressively less curvy as you travel up or down the island. And I'm not 100% sure about the theory thing, but I think it's the Theory of Evolution