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This is because the two types of pox are related. Someone exposed to cowpox will develop antibodies to the cowpox. These antibodies will help fight against small pox. This phenomenon was observed by Edward Jenner, who used it to create a smallpox vaccine. (The word "vaccine" is related to the Latin word for "cow".)

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Q: It is known that if a person develops cow pox and recovers and then is exposed to smallpox and he or she is less likely to develop smallpox why?
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Does identity need to be shared with people if you believe you where exposed to smallpox?

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What is the cure for smallpox called?

There is no actual cure for Smallpox. It was eradicated in 1979, so no one gets it anymore. However, many scientists believe that if an exposed person was vaccinated within a certain time frame (4 days, I think) they would not break out with the disease.

Why the milkmaids did not get infected with smallpox?

Well, I think it is the case that cowpox is just a lesser, bovine version of smallpox. Milk maids would get cowpox simply because they were exposed to cattle constantly, much more than the average person, who was more likely to get smallpox than cowcox. A scientist called Edward Jenner observed that milk maids, who often got cowpox, never seemed to get smallpox. This was because milk maids would develop immunity to cowpox (and therefore smallpox) once they had fallen ill and recovered from cowpox. He then tested this theory on a young boy. He did this by injecting cowpox into the boy's blood stream; the boy then fell ill with cowpox. After the boy recovered from cowpox, the scientist then injected him with the life-threatening disease smallpox. The result proved his theory right; the injection of smallpox into the boy's bloodstream had had no effect on him, because his body had developed immunity to the disease. If you wish to learn more about vaccination and immunities, then research antibodies, antigens and vaccination and the way in which they all work.

What happens to bacteria over time when exposed to antibiotics frequently?

They develop resistance to antibiotics .

Does the CDC have the right to force people to get a vaccination for an infectious disease such as the smallpox is it is a suspected act of bioterrorism why or why not?

CDC has a detailed plan to protect Americans against the use of smallpox as a biological weapon. This plan includes the creation and use of special teams of health care and public health workers. If a smallpox case is found, these teams will take steps immediately to control the spread of the disease. Smallpox was wiped out through specific public health actions, including vaccination, and these actions will be used again. * If a smallpox outbreak happens, public health officials will use television, radio, newspapers, the Internet and other channels to inform members of the public about what to do to protect themselves and their families. * Officials will tell people where to go for care if they think they have smallpox. * Smallpox patients will be isolated (kept away from other people who could get sick from them) and will receive the best medical care possible. Isolation prevents the virus from spreading to others. * Anyone who has had contact with a smallpox patient will be offered smallpox vaccination as soon as possible. Then, the people who have had contact with those individuals will also be vaccinated. Following vaccination, these people will need to watch for any signs of smallpox. People who have been exposed to smallpox may be asked to take their temperatures regularly and report the results to their health department. * The smallpox vaccine may also be offered to those who have not been exposed, but would like to be vaccinated. At local clinics, the risks and benefits of the vaccine will be explained and professionals will be available to answer questions. * No one will be forced to be vaccinated, even if they have been exposed to smallpox. * To prevent smallpox from spreading, anyone who has been in contact with a person with smallpox but who decides not to get the vaccine may need to be isolated for at least 18 days. During this time, they will be checked for symptoms of smallpox. * People placed in isolation will not be able to go to work. Steps will be taken to care for their everyday needs (e.g., food and other needs). Because smallpox does not spread as easily as measles or flu, measures like vaccination and isolation allowed public health officials to wipe out the disease. *This text was taken straight from the CDC website. You may investigate further at this web address:

What is an important achievement of edward Jenner?

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