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Well, I think it is the case that cowpox is just a lesser, bovine version of smallpox. Milk maids would get cowpox simply because they were exposed to cattle constantly, much more than the average person, who was more likely to get smallpox than cowcox.

A scientist called Edward Jenner observed that milk maids, who often got cowpox, never seemed to get smallpox. This was because milk maids would develop immunity to cowpox (and therefore smallpox) once they had fallen ill and recovered from cowpox. He then tested this theory on a young boy. He did this by injecting cowpox into the boy's blood stream; the boy then fell ill with cowpox. After the boy recovered from cowpox, the scientist then injected him with the life-threatening disease smallpox. The result proved his theory right; the injection of smallpox into the boy's bloodstream had had no effect on him, because his body had developed immunity to the disease.

If you wish to learn more about vaccination and immunities, then research antibodies, antigens and vaccination and the way in which they all work.

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They caught cowpox from the cows they milked. Cowpox is a quite minor affliction compared to smallpox, but the antibodies their bodies produced to fight off the cowpox also protected them from smallpox.

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What gave edward Jenner the idea to stop smallpox?

he saw milkmaids

What gave Jenner the idea to stop smallpox?

he saw milkmaids

What did people think caused smallpox?

He noticed that milkmaids who had suffered from cowpox didn't suffer smallpox, this lead him to believe that the cowpox prevented smallpox. He tested this on James Phipps, he infected the boy with pus from a milkmaids cowpox boil, he caught cowpox. Jenner then infected the boy with smallbox, but Phipps didn't catch it. This was the first inoculation. Jenner was given grants to find other inoculation's, but failed as he was unsure why immunity was given. It wasn't till Pasteur's (anthrax and rabies vaccines) time that other vaccines were discovered.

How did jenner know to use the cowpox disease to produce immunity to smallpox?

The observation that milkmaids almost never got smallpox.

How is smallpox passed to one person to another?

One can be infected by smallpox if a victum of smallpox has coughed in the air. They can be infected by smallpox by exposing an opened wound. You can become infected if you breath the air that is shared by someone that has smallpox. Its passed many different ways. One can be infected by smallpox if a victum of smallpox has coughed in the air. They can be infected by smallpox by exposing an opened wound. You can become infected if you breath the air that is shared by someone that has smallpox. Its passed many different ways.

Who played an important role in smallpox vaccination?

Edward Jenner, a physician in the late 18th century, is credited with being the "Father of Immunology." It was observed at the time that milkmaids had a lower incidence of smallpox than the general population. Jenner believed that the milkmaids caught cowpox from cows by contact with blisters. Jenner inoculated an 8 year old boy by transferring material from cowpox blisters of an infected person onto the scratched skin of the boy. Cowpox, although not the same as smallpox, is similar to the virus. People inoculated with cowpox material were able to be immune to smallpox.

What is an important achievement of edward Jenner?

· He noticed that milkmaids, frequently exposed to cowpox from milking animals, were immune to smallpox. · He infected an eight year old boy named James Phipps with smallpox inoculation, but using material from a cowpox pustule. He was completely unaffected. · Discovered vaccination for small pox

Can you get smallpox from an infected scab?


What evidence did edward Jenner have to show how the cure worked?

he realised that milkmaids did not get smallpox. They got a non dangerous form of it called cowpox.

How do you stop smallpox?

A man noticed how milkmaids did not get affected by smallpox, so they assumed that it was something to do with cows or milk that stopped them catching smallpox. I turns out that it was a similair, but less deadly, virus called cowpox that was preventing milkmaids getting smallpox. Cowpox was a vaccine against smallpox - meaning if you have had cowpox, you can't get smallpox.

When did the first victim get infected by smallpox?

about 10,000 BC

How did Jeffrey Amherst use smallpox as a weapon?

He approved the plan of giving blankets infected with smallpox to the natives.