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The observation that milkmaids almost never got smallpox.

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Q: How did jenner know to use the cowpox disease to produce immunity to smallpox?
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What did eward jenner discover about the relationship between smallpox and cowpox?

cowpox gives immunity to smallpox. Jenner observed that people who worked with cattle and contracted cowpox from them.

Why the milkmaids did not get infected with smallpox?

Well, I think it is the case that cowpox is just a lesser, bovine version of smallpox. Milk maids would get cowpox simply because they were exposed to cattle constantly, much more than the average person, who was more likely to get smallpox than cowcox. A scientist called Edward Jenner observed that milk maids, who often got cowpox, never seemed to get smallpox. This was because milk maids would develop immunity to cowpox (and therefore smallpox) once they had fallen ill and recovered from cowpox. He then tested this theory on a young boy. He did this by injecting cowpox into the boy's blood stream; the boy then fell ill with cowpox. After the boy recovered from cowpox, the scientist then injected him with the life-threatening disease smallpox. The result proved his theory right; the injection of smallpox into the boy's bloodstream had had no effect on him, because his body had developed immunity to the disease. If you wish to learn more about vaccination and immunities, then research antibodies, antigens and vaccination and the way in which they all work.

Why was Jenner's vaccine superior than other methods for conferring resistance to smallpox?

Jenner's method of using cowpox infection to confer immunity to smallpox was superior to earlier methods because it carried a significantly lowered risk of serious disease. The earlier method of using material from lesions of smallpox victims conferred immunity but at the risk of acquiring the potentially lethal disease.

What are the cures for smallpox?

The cure for smallpox is cowpox. Cowpox is a mild version of smallpox and is usually not fatal. The smallpox vaccine contains cowpox.

What is homeotherapy?

Homeotherapy is using a similar disease to prevent a disease like cowpox was used to cure smallpox.

HOW was vaccinations discovered?

It was known that people that had recovered from Smallpox could not get it again.Various doctors attempted to use ground up Smallpox pustules to give other people this same immunity. However too many got full blown Smallpox and died.Edward Jenner observed that Milkmaids did not get Smallpox and that cows got a mild disease called Cowpox similar to Smallpox.Jenner tried ground up Cowpox pustules on people and proved they were now immune to Smallpox.

How was smallpox treated in Medieval England?

some people say that drinking beer helped?Answer:While there was no cure in medieval times for smallpox (just like today, there is no cure for the infected) except for a healthy constitution and good luck there was a preventative measure. People who worked with cattle often came down with cowpox, a related but milder disease. The majority recovered from cowpox and had an immunity to smallpox after that. This was not noted until 1796 when Edward Jenner, a doctor in Berkeley, Gloucestershire made the connection and initiated inoculation with cowpox to prevent smallpox.

Do animals get smallpox?

The reason we were able to "erradicate" (said that way because we have stores in labs) smallpox was because the human serotype is only able to affect humans. The smallpox vaccine is made from cowpox, which is similar enough to smallpox to provide immunity, but cannot infect us.

How does one become immune to smallpox?

There are quite a few ways to become immune to smallpox. One way is that you can be infected with the disease Cowpox. Which is not deadly in anyway but is a disease nobody wants to have. Another way is, you can infect your self with smallpox and give yourself a mild case of it. It is proven that once you had smallpox and you survived you never get it again, by infecting yourself mildly you can become immune to it. Correction mild case of smallpox is cowpox if u become infected with cowpox u become immune to smallpox and cowpox for the rest of your life it is like a vaccination but instead of being shot with it u actually become sick but once you get over it your completely immune to it or any other more serious case of the illness.

Who invented the vactination for polio?

English doctor Edward Jenner (1749-1823) used the first recorded vaccination. He was inspired to develop the technique when he noticed that dairymaids in rural Gloucestershire who had previously been sick with cowpox did not catch smallpox, a disease similar to cowpox. Jenner wondered if the dairymaids had developed immunity to smallpox, which then often killed people in much-feared epidemics. Jenner tested his theory on an eight-year-old boy named Phipps. He took some matter from a milkmaid's cowpox vesicles (blisters) and injected it into the boy, who then developed temporary immunity (resistance) to smallpox.

Is there a scapegoat for smallpox?

There is no known scapegoat for the disease smallpox, but it can be vaccinated with the pus from the 'spots' caused by the similar infection known as cowpox. As a result, smallpox was the first disease to have been permanently wiped off the face of the earth, and it is so far the only one.

Who was the inventor of the vaccine against smallpox and concluded that a person inflicted with cowpox disease will not be inflicted anymore by smallpox?

An English doctor by the name of Edward Jenner. He noticed that milkmaids got cowpox which was similar to smallpox, but much milder, and after a milkmaid had had cowpox, she did not get smallpox. So Dr Jenner tried to scratch the skin of volunteers with a needle dipped in to cowpox germs. The volunteer got a transient mild illness and did not get smallpox after vaccination. When Dr Jenner's vaccine was shown to be so effective, vaccination against smallpox became compulsory. Smallpox is now almost entirely eradicated and most counties stopped making smallpox vaccination compulsory in the late 70s and early 80s.