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The Germans felt the Versailles Treaty was unfair. They were not even part of creating the treaty. They had to give up land, give up having a strong military, pay millions in reparations and they could not work on building weapons or large military items like planes or tanks. They were forced to turn over all their tanks to the other countries that were part of the treaty. It would have taken the Germans until 1988 to pay all the money back the other countries who were demanding reparations. Those were the main points they objected to but there were others also. This treaty affected their economy and businesses. Thousands of Germans were out of work and starving because of that treaty. Hitler basically threw out the Treaty and no longer paid the debt. Hitler hated the way Germany was treated in 1919 and had every intention of making changes the way he figured they should be done. Hence, WWII was started by the Nazis.

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Q: It is often said that World War 2 was the inevitable outcome of the aftermath of World War 1 why?
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