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Q: It is recommended that you consume about six servings daily from which food group?
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Related questions

Which food groups should you eat the most servings daily?

You need to get the most servings out of the Bread, Cereal, Grains, and Rice family. In fact you need to eat 6 to 11 servings out of this group daily. Whole grains are recommended.

How many servings from the meat group daily?

5 - 7 servings

How many servings from the fat and oil group should you have daily?

5 servings daily not every hour tho.

The daily amount recommended from each food group in the pyramid?

You should have 7-8 fruits and veggies per day. 5-6 grain servings. 3-4 Dairy products. And 2-3 Meat servings.

From which food group should you eat the most servings of daily?

The largest number of servings should come from the Bread, Cereal, Grains, and Rice family. 6-11 servings daily are recommended.

How many servings of grain group foods should a child eat daily?

about 5+

Most of the food servings in your daily diet should come from which food group on the pyramid?

Breads/Grains 6-11 servings a day.

How can you get the daily number of servings from the milk yogurt and cheese group but avoid the fats?

In order to get the daily number of servings but avoid the fats, is by buying the low fat or reduced fat items from the store.

How can you prevent bone carcer?

eat and drink your daily servings of three for the dairy group, kids!

What are isopods on the food pyramid?

Below is a list of the food groups and the daily amount of servings one should intake. Bread, Cereal, Rice and Pasta Group : 6-11 Servings Vegetable Group : 3-5 Servings Fruit Group : 2-4 Servings Milk, Yogurt and Cheese Group : 2-3 Servings Meat, Poultry, Eggs, Dry Beans, Fish and Nuts Group : 2-3 Servings Fats, Oils, and Sweets : Should be used sparingly

How much of your grains should be whole grain each day?

50 % of all grains consumed by a person a day should be whole grains.

Why are triangles used in the food pyrmaid?

The triangles are used to describe specific food groups and how many servings of each group are needed daily.