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During his looking after the ova and fry, a male Betta will 'mouth' them to keep them clean and also, if one falls away from the nest he will pick it up and mouth it before blowing it back into the nest. You may think he is eating them but he is not. He is simply cleaning them. In the case of a male actually eating his young you can pretty well assume that there was something wrong with the eggs or fry and he is simply doing his job.

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Q: It seems like your male betta is eating the eggswhat should you do?
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it probley means that your betta is sick. Look up on websites to see if you can diagnose your betta with any sickness. I realize my data was sick after he died so look sicknesses up fast. Hope this helps.

What's wrong with your betta fish if he isn't eating and stays at the bottom of the tank and he's in a good size tank and you clean it regularly and he has plants and rocks but seems sick?

I have a betta fish that was quite happy until the summer was over and I also went away for vacation. When I returned, I noticed that the house was a little on the cold side and apparently, Bettas are tropical fish and need at least a temperature of 75 degrees. Also, be sure that when you are changing the water, the temperature is as close to what he was previously in, when you made the water change, and also that chlorine water has been treated before adding to the fish tank. Use a tank warmer.... Yes, i just took mine to Petsmart because my betta was literally at bottom and breathing but not eating looking like it was going to die. the answer: it's TOO COLD AND YOU NEED TO GET A BETTA WATER HEATER OR HEAT UP YOUR HOUSE. or your fish is old and dying.

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Place a tablespoon of salt in the tank make sure the water is clean

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On which days is the most avocado eaten?

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