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Italy invaded Albania in 1939.

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Q: Italy invaded Albania in what year?
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Who won the war between Albania and italy?

Italy invaded Albania and won. They then annexed Albania.

What date did Italy annex Albania?

Italy invaded Albania on April 7, 1939, and took control of the country.

Was Albania neutral an axis or an allie?

albania is a allie because there good friends with english troops and they took part of both wars and took over greece and after italy invaded albania they attacked italy and germany

What country did Italian troops invade on April 7 1939?

On 7 April, 1939, Italy invaded Albania. Albania was self-ruled but it depended on Italy for protection. Mussolini considered this a "family matter" and did not involve Germany or any other neighboring country in his move to gain more territory.

Where did italy invade in World War 2?

Italy was invaded by General Harold Alexander's 15th Army Group during the Second World War. The invasion was on September 3, 1943.

What countries have Albania invaded?

Albania is the one that's invaded we have no power to invade anyone

In what year did Italy invade Czechoslovakia?

Italy never invaded Czechoslovakia. Germany, an ally of Italy at the time, invaded Czechoslovakia in 1938.

Are Albania and Italy friends?

Yes because every year there is a parade for Albania and itay so they are friends!

What year did Albania get involved in World War 1?

Sort of, but mostly no. It was occupied by the Allies, then the Central Powers, and by the time the war ended, the Allies had re-occupied most of it. So it never really had a chance to pick a side.

What country did Mussolini invade?

Italy invaded Ethiopia (Abyssinia) and Greece

In which year did world war begin?

World War II began in 1939 when Germany invaded Poland. 1 September 1939 is the official start of World War 2. However, Japan invaded China in 1937 and Italy invaded Albania in 1938 - so if you are Chinese or Albanian, you will probably have a different view of when WW2 started.

What nation across the adriatic sea did Mussolini invade?

In 1939, Benito Mussolini invaded the kingdom of Albania.