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Hornet or Yorktown

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Q: James Doolittle led sixteen B -25 twin-engine bombers from the deck of what aircraft in the first bombing raid on Tokyo?
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What aircraft was used in the first bombing raid on Tokyo?

The famous Doolittle Raid that was launched from an aircraft carrier used B-25 Mitchell bombers.

Who led the first airplane raid bombing on toyko in 1942?

Col. Jimmy Doolittle led this first raid by leading a group of B-25 bombers off an aircraft carrier.

Doolittle's Raid (1942)?

Lieutenant Colonel James Doolittle led 16 bombers on a bombing raid through Tokyo and other Japanese cities.

Who led the first airplane bombing raid on Tokyo in World War 2?

Lt. Col Jimmy Doolittle, with the "Doolittle raid" in 1942

Aircraft carrier in 1942 bombing?

Doolittle Raid; USS Hornet (Yorktown class), later sunk at the Battle of the Santa Cruz Islands.

Who led a successful air raid againest japan in April 1942?

Col. Jimmy Doolittle led a famous bombing raid from an aircraft carrier.

What was pearl harbor attacked with?

Japanese aircraft bombing at high & low level & torpedo bombers. An attack by midget submarines was thwarted.

Led first airplane bombing over Tokyo?

colonel Doolittle. (The Doolittle Campaign)

Which country did American bombers do missions in world war 2?

Europe was a close range land war, and Great Britain was used as a bomber base for US aircraft. All allied bombers could reach Germany from Britain, and all German bombers could reach England. The war with Japan was a naval war and was out of bomber range for the allies (a long range war), thus the Island Hopping campaign TO GET WITHIN BOMBING RANGE! Japan wasn't bombed until the Superfortress was develped (the Doolittle Raid was a token retaliation raid by B25 Mitchell medium bombers launched from aircraft carriers) in 1944.

What does doolittle mean?

Since this is posted under WW2, I will not explain the origin of the family name or the Disney movie. Doolittle was the name of an Air Force officer who was choosen to lead the first bombing raid against the homeland of Japan. The mission was a suicide mission that was intended to boost morale in America after the attack on Pearl Harbor. So you will find references to this with phrases like "Doolittle raid" or "Doolittle bombers".

What the American's aircraft do in World War 2?

The American aircraft was extremely important for bombing raids, such as the Doolittle raids or attacks on Germany from Allied bases in England. They also helped in the war in the Pacific, where aircraft carriers proved invaluable while fighting the Japanese.

What is the Doolittle raid?

There was only one Doolittle Raid. Col. Doolittle was selected to lead a flight of medium bombers to attack mainland of Japan. The B-25 light bombers were modified so they could launch from the deck of a US Navy aircraft carrier. This attack was meant to strike at Japan in response to the attack on Pearl Harbor and was intended to bolster the morale of the US troops. The raid was almost sure to fail as the bombers could not return to the ship and could not even land on the ship. They were to continue flying to China and hope that they would land in territory held by the Nationalist Chinese. Some crews did survive. Some were killed when their planes crashed in the ocean. Others were captured by the Japanese and executed.