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Jaundice is caused by the rapid breakdown of red blood cells which leads to increased levels of bilirubin.

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Q: Jaundice is caused by the rapid breakdown of?
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What causes jaundice in newborns?

Newborn jaundice is caused when there are high bilirubin levels in the blood.

What is bilirubin?

Bilirubin is a pigment in bile created during the breakdown of haemoglobin, which is then excreted from the body in bile. It is bilirubin which gives people the characteristic yellow colour in jaundice (whether that be caused by liver failure, obstruction or an increased breakdown of haemoglobin).the liver

Is jaundice a bacterial disease?

No, Jaundice is a yellow color of the skin caused by certain diseases. Some of these diseases are viral. For example, jaundice can be a symptom of Hepatitis A, a disease of the liver which is caused by a virus and which is infectious (it can be transmitted from person to person).

Can you get jaundice by kissing?

Jaundice is a descriptive term for yellow skin. Your skin won't turn yellow from kissing someone. If the cause of their jaundice is an infectious diease, you may contract it from kissing. The viral hepatitis infections are not spread by kissing.

Jaundice is a disease caused by drinking polluted water?

It can be caused by drinking alcohol

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What is the future health condition of a person who is affetced by jaundice twice in his childhood?

It would depend what condition caused the jaundice.

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Causes of pruritus in jaundice?

Pruritus is a symptom associated with a type of jaundice called obstructive jaundice. Jaundice is caused by too much bilirubin in the blood, which is a breakdown product of red blood cells. Normally the liver takes bilirubin, changes it a little, and squirts it into the intestines along with bile. When there is a blockage so that bilirubin in liver cells never makes it to the intestines, this is called obstructive jaundice. The pathogenesis of pruritus in cholestasis (one of the causes of jaundice) is unknown but several hypotheses have been proposed, including bile acid accumulation and increased opioidergic tone.

Would doctors let you go school if you have jaundice?

Doctors may or may not allow you to go to school if you have jaundice. It depends on whether the jaundice is caused by an infectious disease and the effect that it would have on your health.

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