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They are called porpita porpitas. (or blue button jellyfish) I found them recently on the Corolla beaches.

here's a link to some pictures and info:

I don't know, but they were washing up in droves in SOuthern Shores NC beach on August 14th and I haven't found anyone who knows what they are!

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Q: Jellyfish with quarter like body and short blue tentacles What kind is it?
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What is a stinngind sea animal with tentacles?

try jellyfish, blue-ringed octopus, man-o-war, etc.

What do blue bottle jellyfish eat?

The Blue Bottle feeds on small fish and other small ocean creatures. They capture their prey with their tentacles, where a poison is released leaving their prey stunned. The tentacles attach extremely well to their prey. If a tentacle is put under a microscope it looks like a long string of barbed wire, which shows the ability of this jellyfish to kill its prey.

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The float or body of the blue bottle measures between 3 to 15 cms. The tentacles can range in length from 15 cms up to 10 metres!.

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Their tentacles are not that long, reaching to lengths of 5 ft. But they are very poisonous.

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Yes blue bottles tentacles can range up to 10 metres in length!

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Yes, they are.