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This period is called Shiva. It is a time of reflection and prayer. It is required by Jewish Law that the immediate family spend seven days mourning after the funeral. Many practices are observed during this time. The first such observance is the removal of the shoes by the mourners while in the Shiva house. The bereaved do not cook, or run errands, or attend school. They do not wear makeup or shave. Mourners abstain from pleasures of all kinds: sensual, sexual, or even intellectual. Mourners are not supposed to read the Torah, which is considered one of life's great joys. Distractions are not permitted: so no television, card-playing, shopping, or computer games. This kind of self-denial is usually explained as an aide to grieving.

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Q: Jewish seven days of mourning
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How long is the intense mourning period (shiva) for Orthodox Jews?

The question actually answers itself, since Shiva means seven in Hebrew. The intense mourning lasts seven days. This is a Jewish law applicable to all Jews, though some might ignore it or dilute it.

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The 7 days of Jewish mourning.

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What does it mean to sit shiva in the Jewish religion?

Shiva isn't the funeral in Judaism. Shiva is the 7 days after the burial where the immediate family doesn't leave their home or do any work. Instead, people come to them to offer comfort and bring food. Levoya is the burial ceremony.

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There is no specific significance to the 3 days mark after a Jews death. After 7 days the mourners rise, so that has significance, and after a month everyone other than the children stop mourning, so that has significance too.