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Q: John wanted to know how much he would pay this year and federal income taxes which form what he used to determine this amount?
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John wanted to know how much he would pay this year in federal income taxes. Which form would he use to determine this amount?


John wanted to know how much he would pay this year in federal income taxes Which form would he use to determine this amount?

Schedule X

John wanted to know how much he would pay this year in federal income taxes which form would he use to determine this amount personal finance?

Tax table. A+

Why did President Coolidge support the Revenue Act of 1924?

Answer this question… He wanted to reduce federal income tax rates.

What determins an element?

You can determine what element an atom is by it's amount of sub-atomic particles and their positions. Every element has a different amount of electrons, so that is the easiest way to determine what type an atom is. If you wanted to determine it more broadly, for example, which group an element was in, you could just count the amount of electrons in the outer shell, as each group is unique in this way.

Who wanted the federal laws to be the highest in the land?

Federalists wanted the federal laws to be the highest in the land.

What are the effect of income on conumer behavior?

The effect of income is a direct factor in consumer behaviors. Without an ample amount of income being provided the consumers cannot possible consume as much as needed or wanted therefor their behavior changes, less is spent, and less is bought.

What is the most in percentage that can be withheld from income of 42000.00 for Federal withholding?

Actually, withholding is basically in your control, through the W-4. You could have 100% of your pay withheld if you wanted...which some people actually do..if they have a lot of income from other sources...or if they file with a spouse that does.

Is harboring a federal or state crime?

"Harboring a Fugitive" can be either a federal OR a state crime depending on whether the wanted individual was wanted on either a federal or a state crime.

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He wanted the federal government to assume and pay all state debts.

What was the group that wanted the federal government to force change in the south?

Radical Republicans wanted the Federal Governenment To force change in the South

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it was split as a compromise between the larger states and the smaller ones, the larger states wanted the amount of members to depend on the population of each state but the smaller ones wanted equal amount of members so they split congress up as a compromise