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Q: Largest nation in western hemosphere
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What country has the largest land area in the western hemiohere?

Canada (in the western hemosphere)

The third largest nation in the western hemisphere?

The third largest nation in the western hemisphere is Argentina by land area and the United States by population size.

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Western hemisphere

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What country has the largest land area in the weastern hemosphere?

Canada: 9,984,670 sq km

What is the largest nation in Western Europe?

Geographically, it is France. Population wise, it is Germany.

What is the third largest nation in the western hemisphere and on what continent is it located?

The third largest nation in the western hemisphere is the United States of America. It is located in North America.

What are the 3 largest nation in the western hemisphere?

Canada,United States,and Canada

In which month does the spring season come?

March in the northern hemosphere and September in the southern hemosphere.

Name the third largest nation in the western hemisphere?

Brazil is the third largest nation in the western hemisphere by land area. It is the largest country in South America and one of the most populous countries in the world.

What nation has Beirut as the capital?

Beirut is the capital and largest city of Lebanon, a country in western Asia.

What country has the most land are in the western hemisphere?

That would be Canada. Canada is the second largest nation in the world with Russia (eastern hemisphere) being the largest.