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Q: Witch country has the largest land area in the western hemisphere?
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Witch two continents are in the western hemisphere?

North America and South America

What are the names of the four hemispheres and witch one do you live in?

1:Northern hemisphere 2:Southern hemisphere 3:Eastern hemisphere 4:Western hemisphere/live in 1&4

Witch country in north America has the largest area?


Witch hemisphere has more land?

Eastern hemisphere

Witch countries in south America rank among the ten largest?

Brazil is the 5th largest country and Argentina is 8th.

Witch country is asia has the worlds largest population?

China has the largest population in Asia with over 1.4 billion people.

What problems did Haiti face before the earthquake?

Haiti is arguably the most backward country in the Western Hemisphere. It has always had issues with development and trade. They struggle with economic problems and problem with food production. Political issues occur as well, and there are many issues with witch doctors.

When was The Witch-Cult in Western Europe created?

The Witch-Cult in Western Europe was created in 1921.

China is in witch 2 hemispheres?

the Southern Hemisphere

In witch hemispheres is Russia located in?

North-eastern hemisphere.

In witch hemispheres is Russia located?

North-eastern hemisphere.

Witch two continents fall completely in the southern hemisphere?

Antarctica and Australia are both wholly in the Southern Hemisphere.