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hey i don't have an answer, but im the same although i am waiting for my periods, if they don't come ill take a pregnancy test, i sugest you take one, if its negative go to doctor, if its positive then your pregnant, good luck!

AnswerI'm having the EXACT same issue. If somebody could please answer it would save me a lot of grief.

That happened to me and i turned out to be pregnant but if you take Birth Control you may not be. take a pregnancy test.

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Q: Last month I had two periods a week apart lasting three days. This month I'm fifteen days late with menstrual cramps. I'm usually regular. Could I be pregnant or could this be a serious problem?
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Menstrual cycle is the periodic bleeding that happens in woman in her fertile period of life. Menses or periods lasting for few days when they happen again and again after some period of days is called menstrual cycle.

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It depends on the reason your periods stopped. If your hormones are functioning properly you have a period about two weeks after you ovulate, if you are not pregnant.

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Could be pregnant if your period is fifteen days late?

It's possible ! The quick solution is - take a test ! However - if you have irregular periods - you may not be !

Can a girl get periods while she is pregnant?

No, it's biologically impossible to menstruate while pregnant. Menstruation is part of the menstrual cycle, a regular pattern of ovulation and the body preparing for pregnancy, or when there is no pregnancy the uterus lining shedding and the whole process starting again. Thus when pregnant the menstrual cycle is no longer carrying on, no ovulation and no menstruation.

What is menstrual cycle called?
