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Put a comma after Lastly. You are beginning your sentence with an adverb, however, your adverb is not modifying any other word. Therefore, it must be set off from what follows. Lastly should be preceded by a period or semicolon to show it begins a sentence.

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1d ago

You should use a comma in this sentence. A comma is appropriate for separating items in a list whereas a semi-colon is used to connect two closely related independent clauses.

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Q: Lastly the other trait you possess is willpower Should I use a comma or semi-colon?
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No, the word "and" should not follow a semicolon. Semicolons are used to separate independent clauses; if you want to include "and," it would typically be used within one of the independent clauses separated by the semicolon.

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You can not punctuate a sentence with a semicolon.

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Can two independent clauses be joined by using a semicolon between the clauses without a conjunction?

Yes, that is one of the most common uses of a semicolon. If there is a conjunction joining the clauses, however, you should use a comma instead of a semicolon.

Do you capitalize after using a semicolon?

No, you do not capitalize after using a semicolon unless it is the start of a new sentence or a proper noun. The word following the semicolon should be lowercase unless it meets the criteria for capitalization.

What is a sentence where a semicolon is used correctly?

It should be written like this: "Joe watered the garden; however, the plants did not grow". Or you could eliminate the semicolon altogether and use a comma as in: "Joe watered the garden, but the plants did not grow."B.This sentences uses a semicolon; the semicolon joins two complete sentences.

How do you correctly use a semicolon?

When he told me the news, I was shocked: although I should have guessed.

Where would it be appropriate to put a semicolon?

A semicolon is used to indicate a moderate pause in a sentence. It's primary purpose is to join together two independent clauses. For example: "I like to eat hotdogs; they go well with ketchup." Both clauses before and after the semicolon can function independently in their own separate sentences, and so a semicolon is appropriate to use to join them together in this case. A semicolon should not be used in place of or alongside conjunctions, such as "but, or, and" etc.