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A semicolon is used to indicate a moderate pause in a sentence. It's primary purpose is to join together two independent clauses. For example: "I like to eat hotdogs; they go well with ketchup." Both clauses before and after the semicolon can function independently in their own separate sentences, and so a semicolon is appropriate to use to join them together in this case. A semicolon should not be used in place of or alongside conjunctions, such as "but, or, and" etc.

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7h ago

A semicolon is appropriate to separate two closely related independent clauses without a conjunction, to join two independent clauses that are closely related in meaning, or to separate items in a complex list where the individual items contain commas.

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Q: Where would it be appropriate to put a semicolon?
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How many spaces do you put after a semicolon?

When using a semicolon you put one space after the semicolon.

Look at the space indicated in the sentences below. Where would it be appropriate to put a semicolon (;)?

She was prevented from fleeing down the fire escape; the window at the top of the stairs was bolted shut.

How do you use semicolon in this sentence. The Bears lost the Super Bowl to Indianapolis worse yet you lost a bet with your brother about the outcome of the game?

It is necessary to put the semicolon between Indianapolis and worse. Many writers would merely use a comma in this case, but that would be incorrect. Sorry, but I am sticking to my original opinion that you don't need a semicolon here. I agree that a comma wouldn't be appropriate, but a period would be advisable.

Can you put a semicolon before and?

Yes; a semicolon is not typically used before the conjunction "and" in a sentence; it is more commonly used to separate independent clauses.

What happens if two independent clauses are connected by a semicolon?

A semicolon would be the appropriate punctuation connecting two independent clauses IF there is no coordinating conjunction; However, if there IS a coordinating conjunction (and, but...) then you would only use a comma to separate both independent clauses

In which of the-following situations would it be appropriate to use a semicolon?

To replace conjunctions and, or, but and to connect the main clauses in a compound sentence

Should a semicolon be used to separate two phrases if one of them contains commas at all not just in a list?

If the two phrases are independent clauses, a semicolon would be appropriate regardless of whether either of the clauses contain commas within it.

Do you put a quotation mark before or after the semi colon that follows it?

The quotation mark would go before the semicolon, because the semicolon represents the beginning of a new thought in the same sentence.

Do you put a quotation mark before or after the semi-colon that follows it?

The quotation mark would go before the semicolon, because the semicolon represents the beginning of a new thought in the same sentence.

Where would a semicolon go in this sentence The assignment was not clear everyone asked questions?

The assignment was not clear; everyone asked questions. Put the semicolon between two sentences that could stand on their own.

Look at the spaces indicated in the sentences below. Where would it be appropriate to put a semicolon (;)?

in the name of freedom

Can you put the semicolon next to the question mark?

Not usually.