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I hate to say this but its very likely you are experiencing a MISCARRIAGE....I have gone through two of them in the last six months...I would go see your OB

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Q: Late periods negative tests then heavy periods came 11 days late a few days later faint positive test are you pregnant?
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What does a faint negative line on a pregnancy test mean?

My positive line on my test was very faint. You probably are pregnant. You might consider retesting.

You are having morning sickness could you be pregnant last month had a faint positive pregnancy result?

Even a faint positive is a positive. And false positives are very rare. You are pregnant.

How far pregnant can you be and still get a negative on the test if you have periods every 3 to 4 months while not using protection?

I was 2 months pregnant when I started getting faint positives. So about 8 weeks into your pregnancy.

What does a really faint blue negative line mean on an ept?

your pregnant!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What does a very faint negative line mean on a pregnancy test?

a faint negative usually means you're not pregnant, but it depends on the test. You'd have to read the full instructions to be sure.

Faint negative line on pregnancy test?

My positive line on my test was very daughter is now 15 months old!!!!!!!!!!

What does it mean if the clear blue hpt result is a very faint negative?

Sorry, but not pregnant

You bought a pregnancy test from safe way and one blue line appeared does that mean im pregnant?

one line only is negative.. 2 is positive (doesn't matter if lines are faint)

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If you got a positive you are pregnant. These is no such thing as a false positive. Another pregnancy test may give you a negative because it requires a larger amount of HCG to be detected before it will read positive. This is especially true for digital tests. So, congratualations.

Are you pregnant when the pregnant test say positive even though bit faint?

I Dont Know Much About Pregnancy Tests But Id Suggest You Take Another One Just Incase The Test Got Contaminated In Any Way, Its Best To Be Sure Before Jumping To Conclusions. If It Happens Again Then Iam Assuming Your Pregnant. Both of mine showed up faint. I went to the Health Department and sure enough, I was 5 weeks pregnant FAINT POSITIVE IS POSITIVE CONGRATULATIONS

If you have symptoms of pregnancy such as light headed and dizzy but still get a light period with cramps after one week of discharge can you be pregnant?

Hello there. Yes you can be pregnant. I would do a pregnancy test this week. If the test is faint positive or dark positive - see your doctor for confirmation. If the test is negative see your doctor for a blood test.

Faint Second Line on HPT does this mean it is positive for pregnancy?

Yes it most likey means you are pregnant it is best if you go to a doctor though to find out if it was a false positive or if you really are pregnant.