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Q: Lava is a type of magma but not all magma is lava?
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What is melted rock that has been exposed to earths surface?

'Magma' while it is still in or below the Earth's surface and when it reaches or flows out on the Earth's surface it is called 'lava'. Magma from the 'magma' chamber can form a 'lava lake' at the surface and the lake can drain down the volcano in 'lava tubes' to form 'lava flows' or 'pillow lavas' if the lava tubes drain into the sea.

What comes first in an eruption magma or lava?

Mountain comes first because the formation of a volcano mountain comes first then it will have a crater because the magma chamber is already full it needs to release the magma which want to go up to the crust

Does a volcano have lava?

All volcanoes do have lava (magma), mostly in their young and early (ie, active) stages.

Which is the origin of all igneous rock?

Magma or lava.

What is the difference between lava and molten rock?

Molten rock may exist either on the surface or underground. It is only considered lava when it is at the surface. Underground molten rock is called magma.

Why are all extrusive rocks made from lava and not magma?

Magma contains rocks which are not suitable for making extrusive rocks. Magma is only inside the chamber of a volcano, and comes out as lava. There is 98.3% Magma will be made into extrusive rocks.

What does all the silica in basaltic magma or lava combine with as it cools?


Do all volcanoes shot out the same lava?

No, not all volcanoes shoot out the same lava. There are four different kinds of lava. 1.) Volcanic 2.) magma 3.) sedimentary 4.) diesel hope this helps!

What type of magma has a high silica content?

rhyolitic magma has a lot of silica and water vapors... thanks for asking ;)

Why is all lava not the same?

it is referred to as lava when it is above ground, when below ground it is referred to as magma

Can lava come out of a folded mountain?

It really depends if the mountain has a magma chamber or not. Volcanoes have different shapes and sizes but what they all have in common is magma or lava. So, I suppose if a mountain has a magma and still (somehow) qualifies as a mountain, then yes!

When volcanoes erupt what erupts along with lava?

sometimes it can be sulfur and other times it can be pyroclastic material. It all differs by the type of volcano.