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Q: Leaf layer that contains air spaces allowing for easy gas exchange?
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What does the spongy layer of a privet leaf do?

Spongy Layer - A layer of the mesophyll. The spongy layer consists of chloroplasts and parenchyma cells, and relatively large intercellular spaces. It is far less ordered than the palisade layer, and the intercellular spaces are important in gas exchange and transpiration.

What is the layer of the leaf that contains the large air space?

the spongy layer has alot of air spaces so gases can diffuse in and out of the leaf easily

Why don't spongy cells have as many chloroplasts?

Because it contains air spaces that help regulate gas exchange in leaves.

What atmosphere layer contains layer?

An atmospheric layer that contains layer is stratosphere. It contains ozone layer.

What layer carries out photosynthesis?

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What is the middle layer of a leaf?

The spongy mesophyll and pallisade mosophyl layers form the middle layers of the leaf. The pallisade mesophyl contains many tightly packed cells which do photosynthesis. The spongy mesophyl contains mainly hollow space, allowing for gas exchange.

What atmospheric layer includes the ozone layer?

The stratospheric layer contains it. It is the layer which contains maximum of it's concentration.

What is the layer of the atmosphere were jets fly through and contains ozone layer?

The layer is stratosphere. It contains the ozone layer.

What is a leaf layer that contains air spaces?

Leaves consist mostly of tissue called mesophyll, which is made up of loosely arranged cells with spaces between them. The spaces are filled with air, from which the cells absorb carbon dioxide and into which they expel oxygen.

Which layer contains ions?

Ionosphere is the layer of atmosphere which contains ions.

What is a layer of cells that lies below the palisade layer and has many air spaces?

Spongy Layer

What is the layer of amostphere contains the ozone layer?

Stratosphere contains the ozone layer. It is a protective shield to the earth.