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When discussing blood types, the two groupings most commonly used are the ABO (A, B, AB, O) and Rh (+, -) systems. The least common blood type in humans is Bombay (EXTREMELY rare), which is a type O with missing H antigen. Otherwise, of the "normal" ABO and Rh typings, the least common group is AB-. ABO from most to least frequent: O, A, B, AB. The relative frequencies of these groups varies depending on race. The relative frequences of Rh+ and Rh- individuals also varies with race. About 85% of "whites" are Rh+, while 99.8% of American Indians are Rh+.

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The most common blood type in the UK is O+. 37% of the population in the UK has O+ blood type followed closely behind by A+ with 35%. O+ is the most common because it is the universal donor which means it can give blood to any other type although O+ can only receive O+ blood.

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AB- 1%In the UK the ABO type that is most common is O, AB is least common and A is more common than B. However it is more common to be RhD +ve, hence O+ is the most common blood group in the UK, but the order of common blood types will vary depending on where a given person is from.

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What is the most common blood type in the US?

O Positive

What is the rarest type of blood in human beings?

There are 30 human blood group systems that are recognised. In the commonly used ABO and Rh system the blood type AB- is the least common with never more than 1% of the population of a country having this type of blood.

What is the most ABO blood type in the United States?

Blood type O is the most common in both the US. as well as the world. Actually type O+ is the most common. Type O- is the most common of the RH negative blood types.