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Mohandas gandhi

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Q: Led non violent protest against Britain in India?
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What was Gandhi's first protest or non violent act?

I think it was to get independence from Great Britain.

Who led India's struggle for independence?

Mahatma's Ghandi...he used non-violent protest, went on strike against the british, and boycotted all british goods...

What did Mohandas Gandhi do to the the world?

He freed India from Britain using good ways. He did a non violent protest. He went on a salt march for a very long time to the coast were he and a large group made their own salt. They did this to over come the British tax on salt. Gandhi fasted for 21 days as one of his protests.Remember to try to follow in Gandhi's footsteps and not to be violent!This does not mean that you have to go on a salt march and it does not mean that you have to fast!All that it means is that you should try not to be violent and to (if you have to protest at all) do a peaceful protest!

Who lead India to non-violent struggle for independence from great Britain?


Belief in non-violent protest while working towards independence for India was the policy of what Asian leaders?

Mohandas Gandhi

How did post-world war ii independence movements in Vietnam differ from those in India?

India's movements achieved independence through nonviolent protest, while Vietnam's movements only succeeded through violent conflict.

What was the Salt March protesting?

The Salt March was a protest against the British monopoly in India on salt.

Who is famous in India and for what?

Mohatma Ghandi was famous in India for his protest against race. He used nonviolence and was later assassinated in a large crowd.

How gandhi ji contributed in making India freedom?

he united different partied and interviews and new weapons of protest which non violent and non corporative

What were Gandhi's belifes on violence?

He advocated resistance to the British rule using non violence means, the cause was to free the poverty stricken Indians from unfair British rule. In reality his last protest was in 1942 and India got independance in 1947, his movement was overhyped and only played a small part in the independance of India from Britain, but gets high accolades for being peaceful and non violent. The real reason the British left was because they had milked India of its riches and had nothing left except for disgruntled subjects, as well as Britain was facing a crisis econmoically due to the world war.

What is non- violent disobedience?

It's not following laws because they are unjust. Gandhi used this to free India from Britain.

Why did Rabindranath Tagore write knighthood?

Rabindranath Tagore renounced his knighthood in 1919 after the Jallianwala Bagh massacre in Amritsar, India, as a form of protest against British colonial rule and the violent actions of the British government in India. Tagore felt that he could not hold onto a title bestowed by a government responsible for such atrocities.