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In His "Sermon on the Mount" (Matt.5-7), as men call it... Jesus reveals the real key to not sinning (breaking the Ten Commandments) is to REJECT THE THOUGHT first... to first avoid the "mental error."

"You have heard that it was said, 'Do not commit adultery.' But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart." (Matt.5:27-28)

But in a world where "mental error" is taught to us in our schools and churches... and in a society that embraces it... how is one to know that he is living his life in error?

Not that many modern professing Christians are that familiar with the Levitical laws of God's Word. To many modern professing Christian denominations, the Old Testament is "done away" in their minds and hearts... and only the New Testament is valid with them.

Of course, most of them haven't read the New Testament, either... much less studied it. For the most part, we are all the product of what we have been "told" is true by our parents and the churches they sent us to... and few of us have bothered to dig in and prove any of it.

But, while many things men do are "abominable" (disgusting) to God, according to His Word... most men have never been all that concerned about what God thinks or commands.

Even modern professing Christianity has rejected the commanded Holy Days of God that are written in His Word, and have taken it upon themselves to observe, instead, their own pagan "holidays" of Christmas and Easter and the like.

"Howbeit in vain do they worship Me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men." (Mark 7:7)

Jesus is talking about PROFESSING CHRISTIANS here! Christians worship Christ! And He says they can worship Him in vain!

They don't care that God hasn't commanded Chistmas and Easter to be observed... or that He never abrogated His Holy Day Sabbaths. It's simply how we were taught!

Most of modern professing Christianity has very little to do with God's Word. It doesn't know God's Word... and has little or no awareness of what God forbids... and no desire to find out.

Most modern flocks let their "spiritual leaders" tell them the "right path" to take on homosexuality... and the flocks follow. Those who disagree, leave in search of another denomination more in keeping with "their way of thinking."

Each denomination has its way of thinking. And with a little shopping around, we can find one that thinks our way:

"There is a way that seems right to a man, but in the end it leads to death." (Prov.14:12)

Homosexuality is "disgusting" to God... and He forbids it in His Word. So, if there are professing "Christians" who accept "practicing homosexuals" into their flocks... their worship is in vain and they are not Christians.

Less intolerant answer

Sin is about choice. A person can choose to follow God's law, or they can choose to ignore it. But since homosexuality is not a choice, it is not a sin. Furthermore, the drive to find love is powerful in human beings. This is also not a sin.

Also, the Hebrew word "toevah (תואבה) doesn't mean "disgusting," but Christians are married to this translation, so it's impossible to reason with them on the matter. It actually means "unkosher" or "unacceptable for Jews." The laws of Leviticus were never meant for non-Jews.

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Q: Leviticus 18 22 in the Bible says homosexuality is a mental error it is sin and it is forbidden so how comes there are so many Christians who accept homosexuality?
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