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Saturated fatty acids haven't any double bonds between the carbon atoms chain, the carbon atoms chain totally saturated with hydrogen atoms. Animal fatty foods are containing high proportion of saturated fats such as cream, cheese, butter, ghee, suet, tallow, lard, and fatty meats. Besides of animal foods certain vegetable products such as coconut oil, cottonseed oil, palm kernel oil, chocolate, and many prepared foods are high in saturated in fats.


Butter contains high amounts of saturated fats. Foods made with butter also contain high amounts of saturated fat.


Such as chicken, turkey and duck all contain saturated fat, but the highest amounts of saturated fat are found in their skin.

Whole milk:

Whole milk and the products made from whole milk contain significant amount of saturated fats.

Processes meats:

Processes meats are high in saturated fats, these processed meats are also high in calories and have limited nutritional value


Egg yolk is high in saturated fats and also yolk contains high amounts of cholesterol too.

Red meats:

Red meats are containing rich amounts of saturated fats.

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