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DiseaseCausing Agent

Infection / TransmissionAIDSHuman T -cell Leukemia Virus HTLV-IIIblood and sperms , thru sexual contact homo or heterosexual)AscariasisAscaris lumbricoidesraw vegetables infected with eggsAthletes' FootTrichophytonbad foot hygieneBacillary DysenteryShigella Dysenterieflies, food, faecesBotulismClostridium botulinumfood poisoningChickenpoxVaricella ViruscontactCholeraVaribrio Choleraeflies, food , faeces, carriersCommon ColdRhino ViruscontactDengueDengue Virus (arbovirus)Aedes MosquitoDiarrheaGiardia intestinaliscontaminated stoolsDiphtheriaCorynebacterium diptheriae ( Bacteria)contactFilariasisWuchereria bancroftimosquito, infection in lymph nodes and lymphatic vesselsGonorrhoeaDiplococcus ( Neisseria gonorrhoeae)sexual intercourseHerpesHerps ViruscontactHook worm diseaseAncylostoma Duedenalefaiseces and walking barefoot.Influenza FluOrthomixoviruscontactkala azarLeishmania Donovaniinfected sand flyLeprosyMycobacterium LepraeLong and close contactMeaslesMeasles virus (ParaMyxoVirus)contactMumpsMumps Virus (Paramyxovirus)contact, virus in saliva spreadsoriental SoreLeishmania Tropicainfected sand flyPinworm DiseaseEnterobius Vermicularis caecumingestion of eggs contaminated foodPlagueYersinia PestisRat FleaPneumoniaDiplococcus pneumoniaebacteria transmission by contact.PoliomyelitisPolio Virus or Enterovirushouseflies, food and waterRabiesrhabdovirusmad dog bitesRingwormMicrosporum Trichophytoncats and dogsSeptic Sore ThroatStreptococcus BacteriacontactSleeping SicknessTryponosoma Bruceireaches lymph nodes via transmission thru fly bitesSmallpoxVariola ViruscontactSyphilisTreponema Palladiumdirect contact mainly sexTBMycobacterium tuberculosisBacteria transmission by coughTetanusClostidium tetanibacteria in soil thru woundsTyphoidSalmonella TyphiFlies, food etc.VaginatisTrichomonas VaginalisFemale Vaginal tracts, Male Urinary Tract both may be infected during coitusViral Encephelitisarbovirusmosquito BiteWhooping coughHameophilius Pertussiscoughing and sneezing

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Q: List diseases caused by bacteria and viruses?
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What are some human diseases that are caused by virus?

Some diseases caused by viruses are poliomyelitis, influenza, measles caused by rubeola virus, chikenguniya caused by chikanguniya virus, chickenpox caused by varicella zoster virus, AIDS caused by human immunodeficiency virus, and the common cold.

What diseases are caused by bacteria?

Meningococcemia, it is the presence of meningococcus in the bloodstream. Meningococcus, a bacteria formally called Neisseria meningitidis, can be one of the most dramatic and rapidly fatal of all infectious diseases.An example of a disease caused by bacteria is bacterial pneumonia. It is caught by breathing it in, from the air. It is found as a string of spherical cocci, called streptococci.Lyme DiseaseBacterial VaginosisChlamydiaFood poisoningBlood poisoning or sepsisStrep throatTyphusCellulitisOsteomyelitisSyphilisGonorrheaAbscessesTooth decayEar infectionsAn example of a disease caused by bacteria is pneumonia. It is caught by breathing it in, from the air. It is found as a string of spherical cocci, called streptococci. Another example of disease caused by bacteria is Tuberculosis: Tuberculosis is an infectious disease. The bacteria that cause tuberculosis are called mycobacterium tuberculosis. People with TB or tuberculosis cough excessively and suffer a terrible pain in the chest.Bubonic Plague: Bubonic plague is another life-threatening disease caused by bacteria. The bacteria that cause the plague are the yersinia pestis variety. The different kinds of bubonic plague include the common form that spreads through certain rats and fleas.Pertussis: Pertussis is also referred to as 'whooping cough'. The bacteria that spread this disease are referred to as bordetella pertussis. The disease takes a toll on the immune system of younger people within 6 weeks.Cholera: The term indicates 'flow of bile', in Greek. It is an intestinal infection caused by the vibrio cholerae bacteria that contaminates food stuff and water. Cholera is a diarrheal disease that is spread via consumption of undercooked food, deficiency of hydrochloric acid and poor hygiene.its gonna be a too long list if we have to name each disease, so here is the common disease caused by bacteria1) Tetanus==by bacterium Colstirdium tetani2) Typorid fever==bacterium salmonella3) Cholera==caused by vibrio cholerae4) Plague caused by Yesenia pests5) Syphilis== bacterium Treponema pallida6) Gonorrhea triggered by Neisseria7) Tuberculosis==Koch bacteria8)Legionnaire's disease by Legionella9) Pneumonia==bacteria10)Anthrax==bacteria

Name 3 types of virus?

can u be more specific, this is a list of some human diseases caused by viruses:AIDSBurkitt's lymphomachicken poxcoldsColorado tick feverdengueencephalitisfever blistersgenital wartsgastroenteritisgenital herpesGerman measleshepatitisinfluenzaleukemialiver cancermeaslesmononucleosismumpsoral herpespoliorabiesshinglessmallpoxvirus hemorrhagic feverwartsyellow fever .

What are two plant viruses?

Tobacco Mosaic VirusMarafivirusSee link for longer list.

List three names of viruses found in food?

Bacteriophage Tobbaco Corn

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What diseases does bacteria make?

There are many, many diseases caused by bacteria. Far too many to list here

Could you please list out some diseases caused by bacteria in animals?

Hi. Diseases that are caused by bacteria in animals are as follows: Tuberculosis, Lyme Disease, Leprosy, vibrosisHope this helps you as much as it helped me.

What are Infectious disease are caused by?

As the list of pathologies and infectious agents are extensive, a related link is shown below.Once the web page is open, click on Figure 10.3. A table is displayed showing the main infectious agents and the pathologies they cause.

Which diseases caused by viruses?

Tuberculosis, strep throat, gonorrhea, syphilis, Montezuma's Revenge or Traveler's diarrhea, Lyme's Disease, and many other illnesses too numerous to list.

What can you get cancer from?

A number of irritants, viruses, bacteria, bad genes, and unknown factors. At the top of the list is smoking. East Asian Women get it from the way they fry food. Others get it from chronic untreated diseases.

What are four infectious diseases?

Strep throat, Lyme disease, meningitis, and tuberculosis.

Make a list of diseases caused by microbes and the names of the scientist who found cures for these diseases?

This is too broad a topic to be answered on this site. Ask something specifictrue, but this website gives a list of some of the diseases caused by microbes:

Can you get a disease from a wild rat?

Probably. The Black Plague was transported around Europe mainly by rats. They can serve as carriers for multiple diseases. Hepatitis E, bacteria, viruses. The list goes on: you can see the full list here; you were bitten by a wild rat, I would go to a doctor to check out the bite.

What are the micro organism and viruses that cause diseases?

There are several different specific microbes that are identified to be the source of infectious diseases. The Rhinovirus causes colds. Varicella zoster causes chicken pox. Rubella causes German measles. Bordatella pertussis causes whooping cough. Yersinia pestis causes the Bubonic plague.

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List the names of five organisms which affect human health?

Bacteria Viruses Fungi Protozoa Helminthes Prions