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Mitochondria, nucleus, Golgi apparatus, ribosome, vacuole.

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9y ago

The five organelles that must divide before the cytoplasm divides are nucleus, ribosomes, mitochondria, vacuole and golgi apparatus. They are replicated during interphase.

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Q: List five organelles that must divide or fragment before the cytoplasm divides?
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In mitosis the nucleus does what before the cytoplasm?

in mitosis, the nucleus divides first, and then the cytoplasm.

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If you are referring to cell division, this is most commonly mitosis, in which the cell replicates its organelles, and then divides. However, there is also meiosis, in which the organelles are not replicated before division, thus resulting in a gamete or sex cell (eggs/sperm).

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No, mitosis refers to the division of the nucleus of a cell into two identical daughter nuclei. It does not involve the division of organelles. Organelles are typically replicated during interphase, which is the phase that occurs before mitosis.

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