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The last person who commented on your question stated this:


Egypt, Mali, Haiti, Ghana ,Ukraine, Libya, Vietnam


UK, USA, Canada, Australia, Japan, France, New Zealand, Taiwan

This is absolutely wrong. The correct list of MEDC's ranking is:

1. Norway. 2. Australia. 3. Switzerland. 4. Netherlands. 5. United States. 6. Germany. 7. New Zealand 8. Canada. 9. Singapore. 10. Denmark. 11. Ireland 12. Sweden. 13. Iceland 14. United Kingdom. 15. Hong Kong and South Korea

The correct list of LEDC's ranking is:

1. Democratic Republic of the Congo 2. Liberia 3. Zimbabwe 4. Burundi 5. Eritrea 6. Central African Republic 7. Niger 8. Sierra Leone 9. Malawi 10. Togo 11. Madagascar 12. Afghanistan 13. Guinea 14. Mozambique 15. Ethiopia.

And that's the only top 15 of the most developed countries and the top 15 of the poorest countries.

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1mo ago

MEDCs (More Economically Developed Countries) typically include countries such as the United States, Canada, most of Western Europe, Japan, Australia, and South Korea. LEDCs (Less Economically Developed Countries) often include nations in Africa, parts of Asia, and Latin America, such as Nigeria, Bangladesh, Haiti, and Afghanistan. These classifications are based on factors such as income per capita, industrialization, and human development indicators.

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4y ago

is Venezuela LEDCS or MEDCS ?

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Q: List of MEDCS and LEDCS countries?
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How did LEDCs get into debt with MEDCs?

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Examples of medcs and ledcs?

MEDCS: Australia, the UK, the USA, Switzerland, Canada, France, New Zealand, Belgium, Germany, Ireland, Japan , Republic of Korea LEDCS: Bangladesh, Mali, Sudan, Peru, Fiji, Cambodia, Nigeria, Egypt, Zimbabwe

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Is Somalia a medcs or ledcs country?

LEDC because it has faming in it and ...

Why are new technologies available more in MEDCs than LEDCs?

Because MEDCs have more money to spend on these technologies.

Why cities LEDCs are growing faster than cities in MEDCs?

Because LEDCs are generally weaker than MEDCS so in a general term we are to see the weak rise compared to the strong, cause you cannot get stronger.

Is the Philippines an medcs or ledcs?

The Philippines is classified as a developing country, also known as a less economically developed country (LEDC).

Why are there more people living in LEDCs than MEDCs?

becuase of eternity life

Why is solar energy commonly used in Europe?

Most countries in Europe are MEDCs (More Economically Developed Countries) and therefore can afford to invest in solar power. Also MEDCs cause much of the CO2 emissions so they want to cut down and can cut down more than LEDCs (Less Economically Developed Countries)

Why are some countries MEDCs and others LEDCs for historical reasons?

Countries have become categorized as either More Economically Developed Countries (MEDCs) or Less Economically Developed Countries (LEDCs) due to historical events such as colonization, industrialization, and global trade relationships. Colonization by stronger nations has often led to exploitation and underdevelopment of colonized regions, perpetuating economic disparities. Industrialization and access to resources have also played a significant role in shaping the economic status of countries. Global trade relationships that favor certain countries over others have further exacerbated these inequalities.

Why is it good for MEDCs to have TNC headquarters in their country?

One reason is because people are more educated in MEDCs compared to LEDCs - HQs need suffieciently educated employees to manage their money. People in LEDCs are not so well educated and so are more suited to mass production in TNCs.

What are the advantages of globalisation for medc and ledcs?

One of the advantages of globalization is that there can be work outsourcing to developing countries. Labor and parts can be acquired at cheaper rates. However, one disadvantage is that it can lead LEDCs to risk its own natural resources like oil and rainforests just to supply for MEDCs.