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An endocrine gland is a ductless gland that produces and secretes hormones into the blood or lymph nodes, affecting specific target tissues throughout the body. Endocrine glands include the pituitary, pineal, hypothalamus, thymus, thyroid, parathyroid, adrenal cortex, adrenal medulla, islets of Langerhans and gonads ie testes and ovaries.

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Q: List of different glands of the body?
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In what way are the endocrine glands different from other glands in the body?


What are human glands?

Glands are the parts of the body that are responsible for the secretion of hormones. Different glands release different hormones eg the pancreas releases insulin and the adrenal glands release adrenaline.


Just ductless glands of which there is a list

What do glands look like in a man?

Human beings have lots of different types of glands, including sweat glands, salivary glands, thyroid glands, etc., and these have various different appearances although they are all inside the body and therefore are not very easily seen unless you are performing an autopsy.

What body major tissue is the origin of glands?

what body major tissue is the orgin of glands

What glands cause body odor?

sweat glands.

How are sweat and tear glands different from endocrine glands?

Their output goes to the blood (to be distributed throughout the body).

What is the gland of the abdomen?

Glands located in the abdomen include cardiac glands, fundic glands, and pyloric glands. There are different types of cells that are found at different layers in each of these glands.

What does the exocrine glands secrete?

Hormones, different glands produce different hormones.

What is the endocrine system for?

Endocrine system which is formed of all endocrine glands of body which along with nervous system of body, controls and coordinates the body functions and maintains a homestasis inside the body. Thoughs different endocrine glands are different in embroynic origin and are isolated from one another but these interact with one another so collectively form an endocrine system. The secreation of endocrine glands are known as hormones like insulin which control blood sugar level.

What are the two types of glands?

The two types of glands in a human body are ductless glands and duct glands. A few of the duct glands are tear ducts, sweat glands, and salivary glands.

How is the pituitary gland important for growth?

it regulates your hormones and controls other glands in the body