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ligaments, tendons, muscles, cartilage, hair and fingernalils.

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Q: List several of your body parts that are protein?
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Related questions

What part of the human body exports proteins?

No body parts actually make protein, but the body is full of protein. The hair, nails, muscles, and cells are just a few parts of the body that rely on protein to function and grow properly.

Where can I find a list of body parts?

You can find a list of body parts in many medical books. Gray's anatomy is one such book that has the parts of the body listed inside.

What do your bodies use protein for?

To strengthen body parts

What parts of your body is not made protein?

teeth of course

Can you list all the body parts?


The effects of protein deficiency?

check out this detailed list of adverse effect of protein deficiency in the body.

Which protein carries oxygen to all parts of your body?


What protein carries oxygen to all parts of your body?


What do protins do for your body?

Protein is an important part of the human body. It helps to build muscles, bones and other body parts. Protein can increase immunity and transport nutrients.

What is the normal use of protein in the body?

Proteins are made up from 'building blocks' called amino acids. When consumed, enzymes break protein down into these base amino acids. They can then be used in other parts of the body, as many parts are made from protein.

What part of the body would be high in protein?

The parts of an animal which yield the richest sources of protein are generally found in the areas of the body related to locomotion.

What Happens when we Don't Have Enough Protein?

The body will breakdown protein from other parts of your body for use. It will first turn to your muscles and ultimately your vital organs.